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* Electronic business defined as the application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in support of all the activities of business. Electronic business focuses on the use of ICT to enable the external activities and relationships of the business with individuals, groups and other businesses . * * * * * 同时按住两侧的按钮5秒钟就可以打开支架,支架打开后,可以轻松的通过按下鼠标分离按钮取下光学鼠标。 open the stands the stands can be opened by simultaneously pressing(and holding for 5 seconds) the 2 buttons placed on the sides of the pc. detaching the optical mouse after the stands are opened and the pc is tumed on, we can easy detach the optical mouse by pressing the detaching mouse button. * 按下电源开关5秒钟能够打开投影,然后我们可能通过调节键来调节投影的焦距、大小。 按下键盘启动按钮可以启动激光键盘。 by pressing and holding the on\off button for 5 seconds the projector pops up. after we turn the pc on we can adjust the projection focus, size, keying with navigation buttons. the laser keyboard can be activated by pressing the keyboard activation button * * 纸架在电脑的后面,如果我们找不到墙去投影,我们可以通过打开后部的纸架,在纸架上放上纸来进行投影。纸架有三个部份构成,类似于伞状。 the paper sheet holder the paper sheet holder is on the back of the pc. we can use this holder in case we dont have wall in front of us to project on. the holder can be opened by pressing it in the lower part. as it pops up it gets divided in three pieces (this mechanism is similar to the one used for umbrellas). * * 软件用户界面友好,益于使用。软件的图标非常标准化,便于记忆,它使得用户更容易使用。 the software interface is user friendly and easy to use. the interface is highly stylized because i think that stylized icons are easier to remember, and that makes the software easier to use. * * 它还具有双核处理器,250至500GB的硬盘,2GB的内存,集成图形卡和音效卡,两个50w扬声器,高清DVD刻录机,无线光学鼠标和激光键盘,LAN和无线局域网卡,调制解调器,摄像头和一个综合液晶投影仪。 * * * * * a光子不带电荷:它们之间不存在电磁场相互作用在自由空间中几束光平行传播、相互交叉传播,彼此之间不发生干扰,千万条光束可以同时穿越一只光学元件而不会相互影响。上述的性质又称光信号传输的并行性。 b光子没有静止质量:它既可以在真空中传播,也可以在介质中传播,传播速度比电子在导线中的传播速度快得多(约1000倍)。 c超高速的运算速度:光子计算机并行处理能力强,因而具有更高的运算速度。电子的传播速度是593km/s,而光子的传播速度却达3×10?5km/s。承受着装配密度的提高和发热量的增大,会导致电子计算机的运行速度越来越慢。 d超大规模的信息存储容量:


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