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Outline Brief Introduction Biography of Fielding Background of 18th Century The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling Love in Several Masques AMELIA The History of Jonathan Wild the Great Summary: Field’s literary style, characteristics of language his contribution Characterization Tom Jones, the foundling is a handsome young man. He is frank and open, kind. disinterested, and. though quick-tempered, devoid of malice. His outstanding quality is “good nature and” goodness of heart”. He is, indeed, “one of the best-natured fellows alive”, and has “all that weakness which is called compassion, and which distinguishes this imperfect character from the noble firmness of mind. Good-hearted as he is, Tom is very far from being a model character. He lives by impulse, not by reason. Being a simple country boy, thoroughly ignorant of the ways of the depraved high society in London, he is completely taken by surprise by a bed woman and becomes, for a short time, her paid lover. Here the author’s intention is to show that even a good man may commit mistakes and be easily led astray, but by virtue of his innate goodness, he is not corrupted and eventually overcomes his weaknesses. Tom is not radically vicious, but good-natured and honest in the main. Sophia:?Sophia?Western,?the?heroine?of?the?book,?is?the “Somersetshire angel. She is her father’s “little darling, and she returns all his affection with angelic tenderness. To her, her father’s word was a law in almost everything. On one point, however, she stands out against him inflexibly--nothing can induce her to marry a man whom she dislikes. Her character and behaviour were rather advanced for her time, “when the compulsory marriage was universally prevailing.” she takes some courage to love a man whom everyone around her speaks ill of. Moreover, she is not ignorant of Tom’s faults, but she knows the good qualities of her lover, and does not expect perfection. However, she cannot pardon his radiation with Lady Bel


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