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2011-2012学年暑期学校课程介绍 序号 开课院系 课程编号 课程名 教师 课程类型 备注 63 信息科学技术学院大规模数据处理/云计算 Mass Data Processing/Cloud Computing 闫宏飞 B 与彭波合上 67 信息科学技术学院生物特征识别 Biometrics 李文新 B 与香港张大鹏合开 69 信息科学技术学院高级超大规模集成电路器件 Advanced VLSI Devices 贾 嵩 B 黄汉森,7.3-7.16 71 信息科学技术学院网络理论和应用 Networks: Theory and Application梅俏竹 72 信息科学技术学院网络结构与行为原理及其应用 Networks—Reasoning about a highly connected world李晓明 77 教务部ACM/ICPC竞赛训练 ACM/ICPC Training 郭 炜 B 定向课程,慎选? *A *B\C类课程对外开放。 工学院 生产系统工程 Production Systems Engineering 李京山 副教授 课程编号 333080 学分 2 授课对象 研究生和高年级本科生 先修课程 概率统计 课程简介: 本课程的目的是使学生接触到大规模制造中生产系统的分析,设计,和持续改进的新的理论方法,即一种精益生产系统的定量方法,以达到其他工程领域同样的严谨水平,如电子,机械工程等。课程重点放在与具有非可靠机器和有限缓冲区的生产系统的工件流有关的实际问题的严谨的工程研究。课程内容是基于授课教师的在多家制造企业长期的工业研究与实践。课程中所有问题来源于生产实践,经过适当抽象和分析,最终应用于生产。课程中的案例都来源于这些实践项目。这一课程将基于描述生产系统的随机模型框架。 The purpose of this course is to expose students to novel methods for analysis, design, and continuous improvement of production systems in large volume manufacturing, in other words, a quantitative approach to lean production systems. The aim is to present the material at the same level of rigor as that in other engineering disciplines, such as Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, etc. The emphasis is the rigorous engineering study of practical issues related to parts flow in production systems with unreliable machines and finite buffers. The course material is based on long time industrial studies and experiences by the instructor and his colleagues in various manufacturing plants. Every problem considered in this course originated on the factory floor and, after appropriate conceptualization and analysis, ended up as an application on the factory floor; the case studies included in this course describe some of these applications. The course will be addressed in the framework of stochastic models of production systems at hand. 授课方式:讲授 考核方式:笔试 教材:Li,Jingshan Meerkov, Semyon,Production Systems Engineering,Springer,2009 参考书:


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