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Call for someone around 电话是找附近的人 Ask who’s calling and tell the caller you would put the one on phone. 询问来电者姓名并告诉对方你会让所找的人接听。 Put caller on hold first. 先把来电放在等候音乐上。 Tell the very one who’s calling and put him/her on phone 告诉所找的人谁找他/她,并将电话交予对方。 May I know who is calling? 请问您是哪位? All right, Mr. A. I will ask Ms. B to answer your call immediately. 好的,A先生,我马上叫B小姐来接听。 Ms. B, Mr. A is on the phone. B小姐,A先生电话找您。 Call for someone not around 所找的人不在附近 Tell the caller the person is not around and ask him whether to leave a message or call back later 告诉来电者所找的人不在附近,询问对方留言或稍后打来。 Take down the name, time, date and number; repeat name and number. Remember to put your name on the message! 记下来电时间、日期,来电人姓名及号码并重复姓名及号码。别忘了在留言上写下你自己的名字哦!I am sorry Ms. B is not around. 很抱歉B小姐走开了。 May I know who is calling? May I have the spelling, please? 请问您是哪位? 请问怎么拼写? Mr. A, would you like to leave a message or call her later? A先生,请问您是愿意留言还是稍后再打来? May I have your phone number, Mr. A? May I repeat? 请问您的号码是多少,A先生? 我重复一下好吗? Call for someone not available所找的人无法接听 Tell the caller the person is not around and ask him whether to leave a message or call back later 告诉来电者所找的人现在不方便接听,询问对方留言或稍后打来还是让所找的人一会儿打 过去。 Mr. A, I am sorry Ms B is on another phone(…). A先生,很抱歉B小姐正好在接另一个电话(……)。 Would you like to call back or should I ask Ms. B to call you later? 请问您是稍后再打来,还是我让B小姐稍后打给您? (May I have your number, please?)… Wrong number 对方打错电话 Politely tell the caller s/he’s got a wrong number 礼貌地告诉来电者他/她打错了电话。 Assist the caller by transferring if you know the extension, otherwise, kindly refer the caller to the hotel operator 如果你知道或可以查到正确的号码,协助转往正确的分机;否则,友好地告诉来电者打总机转。 I am sorry the person/department you are looking for is at extension 1234. 对不起,您要找的人/部门分机是1234。 I am sorry this is department B. One moment, please. Let me check their extension number for you. 对不起,这是B部门。请稍候,我给您查一下他们的号码。 Their number is 1234. Let me put you through. (Press transfer keys) 他们的号码是1234。 我帮您转过去吧。(按转接电话


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