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We have described the turbulence models and near-wall treatments available in Fluent CFD software and have tried to show how successful modeling of turbulent flows requires engineering judgement. Experimentally observed reattachment point is at x / D = 4.7 预测分离区: 示例1 – 流过平面湍流 Standard k–ε (SKE) Skin Friction Coefficient Cf × 1000 比较而言,RKE模型对分离区的预测较为准确。 Realizable k–ε (RKE) Distance Along Plate, x / D 示例2 – 旋风分离器湍流 40,000-六面体网格单元 使用高阶迎风格式 使用SKE, RNG, RKE 和RSM 模型以及标准壁面函数 强旋流 (Wmax = 1.8 Uin) 0.97 m 0.1 m 0.2 m Uin = 20 m/s 0.12 m 示例2 – 旋风分离器湍流 0.41 m处切向速度剖面图 Iso-Contours of Instantaneous Vorticity Magnitude Time-averaged streamwise velocity along the wake centerline Drag Coefficient Strouhal Number Dynamic Smagorinsky 2.28 0.130 Dynamic TKE 2.22 0.134 Exp.(Lyn et al., 1992) 2.1 – 2.2 0.130 CL spectrum 示例3 – 通过正方形棱柱的流动 (LES) (ReH = 22,000) Streamwise mean velocity along the wake centerline Streamwise normal stress along the wake centerline 示例3 – 通过正方形棱柱的流动 (LES) 小结: 湍流模型指南 湍流模型选择 物理流动 可用计算机资源 工程需要 准确性 时间 近壁面处理 建模程序 计算特征值 Re 和确定流动是否为湍流 在生成网格之前估计贴体网格中心 y+ 从 SKE (standard k-ε)开始计算 ,如果需要的话,之后改成 RKE, RNG, SKW, SST 。 强旋流,三维,旋转流动下使用RSM 模型 大多数情况下使用壁面函数功能 General introduction that Fluent CFD software contains a variety of state-of-the-art turbulence modeling options; however, successful predictions of turbulent flows will only result from turbulence modeling decisions based on sound engineering judgement. In this lecture we will identify the issues which must be considered, discuss the turbulence modeling options available in Fluent CFD software, and describe how an engineer should decide when modeling turbulent flows. The pictures is the iso-surfaces of instantaneous vorticity magnitude of flow over a square cylinder at a Reynolds number of 22000 Point out that the governing equations for turbulence are well-known and are the non-linear, unsteady three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations. Useful to think of the instantaneous velocity in terms of a mean velocity with ran


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