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* Chapter 24 利尿药和脱水药 Diuretics & Osmotic Diuretics Instructional Objectives (教学目标) 列举利尿药的分类及代表药。 2. 简述高效、中效利尿药的作用、用途及主 要不良反应。 §1 Diuretics 利尿药 Diuretics are drugs that act on the kidneys (肾脏) to increase urine volume by reducing sodium and water reabsorption. They are used to treat edema (水肿) and some unedema diseases such as hypertension (高血压), kidney stones and hypercalcemia (高血钙症). Classification: High efficacy diuretics(高效利尿药) 呋噻米、 布美他尼、依他尼酸 Moderate efficacy diuretics(中效利尿药) 噻嗪类 、氯酞酮 Low efficacy diuretics(低效利尿药) 留钾类:螺内酯,氨苯喋啶等 碳酸酐酶抑制剂:乙酰唑胺 physiological basis of actions of diuretics (一)肾小球滤过(glomerular filtration) 原尿:180 L 终尿:1-2 L (二)肾小管重吸收 (reabsorption in renal tubules) 1. 近曲小管 (proximal tubules) CO2 + H2O 碳酸酐酶 H2CO3 H+ + HCO3- (-)碳酸酐酶 H+↓ Na+重吸收↓ 利尿 乙酰唑胺 ( acetazolamide ) 通过 H+-Na+交换, Na+主动重吸收。 H+来自: (-) 2. Loop of Henle(髓袢 ): 升支粗段髓质部和皮质部 NaCl is reabsorbed actively by Na+-K+-2Cl- co-transporter. Results (1)尿稀释 (urinary dilution) (2)形成髓质高渗区 (3)尿浓缩(urinary concentration) High efficacy diuretics (高效利尿药): (-)髓袢升支粗段髓质部和皮质部NaCl重吸收,影响尿的稀释和浓缩。 Inhibit NaCl reabsorption by inhibiting the Na+/K+ /2Cl- co-transporter in the ascending limb of loop and thus affect both urinary dilution and concentration. Moderate efficacy diuretics (中效利尿药): (-)远曲小管近端NaCl重吸收,影响尿的稀释。 Inhibit NaCl reabsorption by inhibiting the Na+- Cl- co-transport system in the distal tubule and only affect the urinary dilution. 3. 远曲小管 ( Distal tubule ) 通过Na+- Cl- 共同转运系统, NaCl重吸收。 4. 集合管(collecting duct) H+-Na+ exchange(交换) K+ -Na+ exchange (醛固酮调节) 留Na+排K+ Low efficacy diuretics (-) K+ -Na+ exchange Cause retention of potassium and excretion Diuresis (利尿) of sodium ( 留K+排Na+) This type of diuretics are also called potassium-sparing (留钾类) diuretics. 乙酰唑胺 高效类 噻嗪类 留钾类 二、常用利尿药 ( Individual diuretics ) High effi


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