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* 1.2ah 是既可用化学能是1.2 80% * 除颤面积越大那么组织间的差异越小 HVC Coil 增加除颤面积 * DAVID :针对心衰需要 * 医生常问的问题: 口服-静脉 * 200外/20内-除颤,换位置 * 3 * Anti-tachycardia Pacing (ATP) – When the heart beats too fast, a series of small electrical impulses are delivered to the heart muscle to restore a normal heart rate and rhythm. Cardioversion – A low energy shock is delivered at the same time as your heartbeat to restore a normal heart rhythm. Defibrillation – When the heart is beating dangerously fast, a high-energy shock is delivered to the heart muscle to restore a normal rhythm. Bradycardia pacing – When the heart beats too slow, small electrical impulses are sent to stimulate the heart muscle to maintain a suitable heart rate. * 6947 * * 腔内图损伤电流型。损伤电流在体表没有腔内清楚,2290 可以完整记录腔内心电图信号。使用腔内心电图有容易判断损伤电流,也因此判断电机是否植入和降低术后脱位率。大片损伤表现为ST改变,植入时点状损伤不一定会出现ST改变,所以体表可能表现不清楚 整屏,还有就是25mm/s两种记录方式 * * * 3 * This is the full view of electrical components to connectors in a dual coil, true bipolar lead. * The 2 types of connector pins in leads currently implanted are the IS-1 (International Standard) and the DF-1 (Defibrillation Standard). The IS-1 connector pin is the pace/sense circuit. The DF-1 Pin(s) is the High Voltage circuit. *Note: A Dual Coil Lead will have 2 DF-1 Connector Pins, one for each coil. It is important to place the correct coil into the appropriate ICD port for that coil to avoid possible programming inaccuracies. The DF-1 pin for SVC (HVX) must go into the SVC/HVX port on the ICD. The DF-1 pin for the RV (HVB) must go into the RV/HVB port on the ICD. * Pin-塞住那部分 * Avoid “piston-effect” by placing screwdriver in port while placing pin into header. 螺丝没有到位,先退螺钉再进 * 6943? * * sentry * 不需要,因为无痛阻抗,stj还需要小能量释放 * * Marquis 只在1.2 mv测试的EGM才能打开正常的感知窗口。Maximo自动调整为1.2 mv测试 * 3 * VT 在icd off * 将来可能变, 更像一个剂量– 反应曲线,随能量的增加成功的可能性增加。应用标准的递减方案测出的DFT,将来成功可能性是70% * 310 脉冲为起点 Monophasic 单项波 双向波形 * * Select “Dump” to drain capacitors * 已经终止,但未看到标准。grace * g * 50次/秒,6miao * 还是应该再做,因为无法证实DFT * 室颤感知不良, Vf
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