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Unit Seventeen Traveling Advertisement 旅游广告 Unit Objectives (单元目标) After learning this unit, you should ——understand what and how to give traveling advertisement; ——master the basic words and expressions about traveling advertisement; ——get some cultural knowledge about traveling advertisement; ——find ways to improve your writing skills about advertisement for a tour itinerary; ——be familiar with some domestic typical scenic spots. Background Knowledge 背景知识 A tour ad generally include: ① a headline that presents a benefit, invokes curiosity or appeals to personal interest; ② a text that resorts to figurative language for rhetoric effects; ③ pictures that are eye-catching. Travelling advertisement can be generally divided into (according to its function) following types. Types of Traveling Advertisement 旅游广告类型 1. advertisement for a travel agency and its services to prospective tourists; language features:expressive, persuasive. 2. advertisement for itineraries and travel tips to prospective tourists; language features: concise, appealing, phrases are preferred than clauses, an attractive title is indispensable. 3. advertisement for tours; language features:expressive, persuasive, usually advertised under a title or brand name that is relevant to the trip. It is expected to be short and appealing, presenting the most outstanding features of the tour and easy for prospective tourists to remember. 4. advertisement for destination country / city or a tourist attraction; language features: concise, appealing, adjectives are abundantly used. Figures of Speech Generally Contained in an Advertisement 英语广告中的常用修辞法 ●比喻(analogy) e.g.: Featherwater:light as a feather.(法泽瓦特眼镜:轻如鸿毛。) ●拟人(personification) e.g.: Flowers by Interflora speak from the heart.(植物园培育的鲜花倾诉衷肠。) ●双关(pun) e.g.: Ask for More.(摩尔牌香烟的广告) ●押韵(rhyming) e.g.: Hi-fi Hi-fun Hi-fashion only from Sony.(高保真,高乐趣,高时尚,只来自索尼。)(索尼音响的广告) ●重复(repetition) e.g.: Dish after dish after d
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