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基于WSN的移动脉搏监护系统汇聚节点的设计 摘要: 在社会全面飞速发展的进程中,人口老龄化的问题也日渐突出。在我国这样一个人口大国,由于早期的鼓励生育和后来的计划生育等一些政策的影响,导致现在并在未来一段时间内,我国老年人口的数量将会急剧增加。老年人因为身体素质的减弱等原因,一些突发高危疾病的发病率非常高,特别是像心血管疾病这类会直接威胁到生命安全的疾病更是给人们带来了非常大的困扰,有调查显示,这些高危疾病在老年群体中发病的人数基本占到了所有发病人数的一半。在当前的大环境下,很多老人的身边都没有子女亲人陪护,就算是在养老院中,医护人员也不可能随时随地的都在老人的身边进行监护,在这些情况下,老人如果一旦发病,就有可能得不到及时的救助而极大地危害健康甚至危及到生命。因此,对老年人的身体健康和生理参数的监测显得尤为重要。 本文对养老院中用于监测老年人脉搏数据的移动脉搏监测系统的汇聚节点进行了研究和设计。移动脉搏监护系统是基于无线传感器网络而实现对老年人脉搏数据进行二十四小时监测的。医护人员通过监测到的脉搏数据就可以随时掌握老人的身体状况,做出正确的处理或在突发情况下做出及时的反应,使老年人的身体健康和生命安全得到了极大地保障。汇聚节点是系统中的关键部分,发挥着至关重要的作用。汇聚节点是由无线收发模块、中央处理器模块和GPRS模块组成,无线收发模块负责数据的接收和发送,中央处理器模块把收到的数据处理以后通过无线收发模块或GPRS模块发送出去,GPRS模块负责与监护中心进行远程通信,各模块各司其职,相互协调,是汇聚节点的功能有序而强大。 通过对移动脉搏监护系统汇聚节点的设计,我们了解到监护系统对实现人类健康监护的重要意义。未来,在生活的各个方面监护系统都会得到广泛的应用。在人类社会发展的进程中,监护系统将会发挥越来越重要的作用。 关键词:脉搏;养老院;无线传感器网络;汇聚节点 The design of the convergence node of the mobile pulse monitoring system based on WSN Abstract: In the process of the full and rapid development of the society, the problem of the aging of the population is becoming outstanding.. In China, such a country with a large population, due to the influence of some early encouraging fertility and later the family planning policy, resulting in now and in the future for a period of time, the number of Chinas elderly population will sharply increased. Elderly people because of physical weakness, some unexpected high-risk disease incidence rate is very high, especially like cardiovascular disease which will direct threat to the lives and safety of diseases is given rise to very large problems, according to a survey, these high-risk disease in old age groups the onset of the number of basic account for the half of all the number of incidence. In the current environment, around many of the elderly are not accompanying family, even if it is in nursing homes, health care workers can not be anywhere are in the side of the elderly care in these cases, the elderly if once the disease, there may be no timely assistance and earth does harm to health, ev


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