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Logistics Profile: Victoria’s Secret 33 to 35 percent of the $2.9 billion store, catalog, and E-commerce sales ship via the United States Postal Service (USPS). Victoria’s Secret uses Global Logistics, a package expeditor, to service its southeast USPS shipments, with the object of three to five day service. All loads to the USPS are palletized and are standing appointments and live uploads. 运输概述 空间价值和时间价值的实现 资源配置的均衡化 生产、交易、生活方式的改变 速度、成本、便利等指标的改善 The Role of Transportation in Logistics Transportation is the physical link connecting the firm to its suppliers and customers. In a nodes and links scenario, transportation is the link between fixed facilities (nodes). Transportation also adds value to the product by providing time and place utility for the firm’s goods. The Role of Transportation in Logistics As firms engage in global competition, transportation costs are becoming even more significant. In 1999, U.S. firms spent an estimated $554 billion to move freight, or 9.9% of the GNP1; this is up from 397 billion, or 6.3% of the GDP in 1993. The Role of Transportation in Logistics In 1999, as a percentage of sales, transportation was 3.24%, warehousing 1.84%, customer service 0.48%, administration 0.38%, and carrying cost 1.52%. Outbound transportation was clearly the largest component of total physical distribution costs. Cost trade-offs abound in transportation and are typified by trading lower inventory costs for higher transportation costs. 空间价值和时间价值的实现 (一)产品转移 运输首先是实现了产品在空间上位移的职能。运输的主要职能就是将产品从原来所处的地点转移到规定的地点,其主要目的就是要以最少的费用和合理的时间完成产品的运输任务。 (二)产品短期储存 运输还可以实现对产品进行临时储存的职能。如果运输中的产品需要储运,而在短时间内又将再次运输,并卸货和装货的费用可能会超过储存在运输工具(如汽车)中的费用时,就可考虑将运输工具作为产品暂时的储存地点。 运输与其他功能交互作用 运输与配送的关系 在企业的物流活动中,将货物大批量、长距离地从生产企业直接送达客户或 配送中心称为运输;货物再从配送中心就近发送到地区内各客户手中称为配送。 运输的原理 运输有两条基本原理: 即规模经济(Economies of Scale)和距离经济(Economy of Distance)。 物流过程中的运输问题 成本主要构成 作业时间的构成 服务水平的实现 运输系统选择 高效运输系统的价值 加剧竞争--经济全球化、区域一体化、城乡融合 规模经济的实现--市场扩大、市场全球化 价格降低--资源配置均衡、运费降低 运输服务 基本运输方式及其组合 办理方式:直接或代