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Unit one Foreign Guest Reception外宾迎入 ☆☆ Unit Objectives (单元目标) After learning this unit, you should to master the basic words and expressions about reception task (meeting at the airport, hotel check-in and schedule arrangement); to try to improve your performance, especially good manners in the process of reception. to be familiar with the process of reception: meeting at the airport, hotel check-in and schedule arrangement . 良好的开端是成功的一半。本单元将要探讨的就是商务英语的最初阶段,因此外宾迎入环节格外重要。外宾迎入主要涉及到机场迎宾、酒店入住、日程安排等内容。整个单元的安排主要是围绕最后的单元实训而展开的,之前提供了相关词汇、例句及范文进行学习,同时配有相应的练习及讲解,以此来掌握外宾迎入的整个流程。另外,本单元重点介绍了相关技巧:本单元增加相关文化背景知识的讲解,引导学生领会语言是有效交际的工具,使之体会跨文化交际对口译的影响。通过下达实训指导书让学生进行仿真模拟,最终通过效果评估考核来进行教与学的总结。 ☆☆ Key Words and Expressions (关键词汇及短语) -1、机场迎宾 Meeting at the Airport 适应时差to adjust to the time difference 周到的安排 thoughtful arrangement 纪念品 souvenir 提取行李 to claim baggage 日程安排 schedule 飞行愉快 pleasant flight 赞颂 to pay tribute to 欢迎词 a welcoming address 回顾过去 to look back/ in retrospect 展望未来 to look ahead 手续 formalities 有幸 to be/feel honored 合作愉快fruitful cooperation 有收获的 rewarding 致祝酒辞 to propose a toast 款待 to entertain 菜系major cuisines 用餐举止 table manners 用筷子 to handle chopsticks 美味佳肴 delicacies 冷餐招待会buffet reception 宴会 banquet 2、酒店入住Hotel Check-in 填表to fill in the form 入宿登记处registration desk 兑换处cashier’s desk 预订处reservation desk 退房时间check-out time 证件voucher 旅行支票traveler’s cheque 前厅lobby 身份证identification card 收费to charge (英)二楼,(美)一楼first floor 床上用品bedclothes 行李标签luggage label 手续费procedure fee 客务总监 Director of Rooms Division 总机话务员Operator 包价服务package 叫醒服务morning call 套房suite 标准间standard room 大床间double room 洗衣服务laundry service 送餐服务room service 菜单menu 小费tips=To Insure Prompt Service 3、日程安排Schedule Arrangement 议程 agenda 日程表,时间表timetable/schedule 投资环境 investment environment 有……人口 to have a population of 有……面积 to cover an area of 追溯到…… to date back to 国内生产总值the gross domestic product 国民生产总值 the gross national product ☆☆Key Sentences [关键句] 1. I’ve heard so much about you. How wo


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