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A Contrastive Study between Chinese English Language As you know, our native language Chinese is quite different from English. There is really a big gap between the characteristics of the two languages. In order to learn the translation course better, we have to study the comparison between the source language and the target language. Since all the theories, methods, techniques concerning English-Chinese translation are based on the comparison, it is very important, so to say, to master the languages’ peculiarities. Language Families ( 语系) English belongs to the Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family (印欧语系). Chinese belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language family (汉藏语系). It is well know that English has the richest vocabulary of any European language. On the basis of Angles’ language (Anglo-Saxon), English, a hybrid, was built by absorbing words in various languages. 汉语 汉语—汉藏语系,约有6000多年的历时, 《康熙字典》收纳了4.9万个字的汉子。《汉语大字典》收纳约5.6万字。台湾1973年出版的《大汉和辞典》收词55万余条。 汉字的构词能力强。曾有人作了粗略统计,汉语中但是表示手的动作的词就有200多个,单“一”字开头的成语就有5472条。 据称原计划出版的》中山大辞典曾包括60余万条。 英语 英语—印欧语系,英语是拼音文字。 英语的历史起源于第五世纪中叶朱特人、撒克逊人及盎格鲁人的入侵,到现在已有1500多年的历史了。英语的发展经历了三个时期: 古英语时期(449-1100); 中古英语时期(1100-1500) 现代英语时期(1500-现在) 由于外来的侵略,英语是欧洲语言中变化最大、词汇成分最复杂,词汇量最丰富的一种语言。《牛津英语词典》有古英语、现代英语和成语共40多万条。1976年出版的《英国百科全书》认为英语词汇已经超过50万个。也有不少学者估计,英语词汇总量是100万个以上。 Latin: pen, pencil, cup, butter, silk French: pork, feast, sir, noble Italian: piano, solo, studio, opera, umbrella Spanish: cargo, cigarette, cigar Greek: paper, alphabet, dialogue, comedy Chinese: tea, chow mein, kowtow, toufu Lexical Comparison between Chinese and English (词汇对比) The major ways of word-building in English are composition(合成), conversion(词性转化), and derivation (affixation衍生). And in Chinese we have the same major ways. English: Composition: motherland, blackboard, handwriting, silkworm, easy-going, home-made, do-it-yourself Conversion: paper the window, empty the basket, elbow one’s way, ups and downs Derivation: able unable, take mis


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