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2006年国际计量经济学大会 2006 International Conference on Econometrics 中国 上海?2006 年 月 日Shanghai, China, July 14, 2006 会议日程 Conference Agenda 主办Organized by: 上海财经大学高等研究院 Institute for Advanced Research, SHUFE 上海财经大学经济学院数量经济研究所 Institute for Quantitative Economics, School of Economics 数量经济研究所简介 Introduction to the Institute for Quantitative Economics 宗旨 研究所的主要宗旨是为学科建设,学术交流和人才培养提供一个平台,目标是建成国内一流,国际知名的研究机构。研究所的工作重心将集中于以下方面: 对学科发展具有重大影响的课题进行攻关,争取在国际知名刊物多发表文章; 定期召开高级数量经济研讨会议,加强与国际和国内同行间学术交流与合作; 加强硕士生,博士生及博士后人才的培养,为高校,政府和企业输送高级专业人才; 结合经济学院现有资源,建立一个完善的经济金融数据库; 为政府部门,金融机构,和企业组织提供适当的人才培训,定量咨询分析和决策参考。 OBJECTIVE The main objective of the Institute for Quantitative Economics (IQE) is to provide a platform for discipline construction, academic exchange, and talent cultivation in order to build a domestically first-class and internationally renowned research institute. The research institute will focus on the following areas: To conduct research which exerts big influences on discipline development? Meanwhile, great effort will be made to publish more articles in well-known international journals; To hold regular advanced quantitative economics conferences and seminars so as to enhance peer academic exchange and cooperation at home and abroad; To strengthen the programs of study, including graduate, doctoral, and post-doctoral programs in order to better serve enterprises, institutions of higher learning, and government organizations; To combine the existing resources to establish a comprehensive economic and financial database; To provide appropriate talent cultivation, quantitative consultation and analysis, and decision-making references for governmental agencies, financial institutions and enterprising groups. 研究团队 研究所现在拥有以美国普林斯顿大学经济学博士郑旭为所长和学科带头人的科研团队,其有海外讲座教授2人、海外兼职教授4人,全职教授3人、副教授6人、助教与讲师7名。全职研究人员中有博士生导师8人、具有博士学位的12人。学科在计量经济学理论与方法,金融计量经济学、微观计量经济学,应用统计等多个研究领域位居全国前列。 RESEARCH TEAM At present, the director of IQE, Xu Zheng, who receive


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