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N-苯基-2-(4,6-二甲氧基-2-嘧啶氧基)-6-氯-苄胺(ZJ1835) 的除草活性研究 徐小燕, 董德臻, 台文俊, 邢家华, 陈杰* (浙江,杭州 310023摘要:生测杀草谱较广。关键词:ZJherbicidal activity of innovative compound ZJ1835, [N-phenyl-2-(4,6-dimethoxy-2-oxypyrimidine)-6-chlorine-benzyl-amine] XU Xiao-yan, DONG De-zhen TAI Wen-jun XING Jia-hua CHEN Jie* (Zhejiang Chemical lndustry Research Institute, Hangzhou 310023, China) Abstract:[N-phenyl-2-(4,6-dimethoxy-2-oxypyrimidine)-6-chlorine-benzyl-amine], its safety to cotton, selectivity, spectrum of weed control and field application technology were studied. The result of greenhouse tests showed that ZJ1835 could dwarf plant in the early growth stage of cotton, but did not affect cotton emergence and later stage growth, it was safe to cotton at dosage of 225g(a.i.)/ha. There was difference in the safety of ZJ1835 to four cotton varieties, the safety to wangyue-9913 was the highest, yinshan-1 and mian-6 was the second, and jifeng-197 was the lowest. The selectivity coefficient of ZJ1835 between cotton and Digitaria sanguinalis and Amaranthus retroflexus were 2.14 and 13.00, respectively, which suggested the compound had good selectivity. The great majority of weeds in field were sensitive to ZJ1835, and the spectrum of weed control of ZJ1835 was wide. The field test result showed that at dosage of 90~120g(a.i.)/ha, the compound had good safety to cotton, and the total weeds controlling efficacy was 82.1%-92.8%. The results suggested ZJ1835 had potentials of development and application in cotton. Key words: ZJ1835;pyrimidinyl phenzylamine leading compound;cotton;herbicidal activity; _______________ 收稿日期:2011-03-07;修回日期:2011-04-15. 作者简介:徐小燕(1979-),女,农艺师,从事除草剂生测和新农药创制研究,E-mail: nyaoxu@126.com;*通讯作者(Author for correspondence):陈杰(1965-),女,辽宁营口人,博士,研究员,主要从事新农药创制研究,电话:0571E-mail: chenjie01@, 基金项目: “十一五”国家科技支撑计划重大项目(2006BAE01A02-1). 2-嘧啶氧基-N-芳基苄胺类化合物是由浙江和中科院上海有机化学研究所共同发现的、具有我国自主知识产权的农药先导结构。该类化合物已获得中国发明专利ZL5 )[1],并申报了PCT国际发明专利[2]在对该先导结构进行优化时发现棉花田除草活性物SIOC0426[],化学名称为N-苯基


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