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Determiners 韩婧 E-mail: hanjinghd1999@163.com Revision 58. I know he failed his last test, but really he’s ( )stupid. A. something but B. anything but C. nothing but D. not but (TEM 4--2005) anything but: 绝不,并不 Nothing but: 除了…以外什么也不, 只有 42. ( ) of the twins was arrested, because I saw both at the party last night. (TEM—4, 2002) A. none B. both C. neither D. all 限定词 定义:限定词是在名词词组中对中心词起特指、类指以及表示确定数量和非确定数量等限定作用的词类。名词词组除了有词汇意义外,还有其所指意义---特指、类指、确定数量、不确定数量。 限定词和形容词 广义上,限定词叫限定形容词(Determinative Adjective),形容词叫描写性形容词(Descriptive Adjective)。 在功能上,限定词是名词短语的必须部分,形容词对构成名词短语来说可有可无。 在语序上,限定词总在形容词前。 限定词种类 冠词 物主限定词 名词属格 指示限定词:this, that, these, those, such 关系限定词:whose, which 疑问限定词:what,which, whose 限定词种类 不定限定词:no, some, any, each, every, enough, either, neither, all, both, half, several, many, much, (a) few, (a) little, other, another 基数词和序数词 倍数词和分数词 量词:a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a great / good deal of, a large / small amount / quality of, a great / large / good number of 不定冠词的几种特殊用法 在专有名词和特定的人名,姓氏或称呼名之前,专有名词→普通名词, …式的人物, 某一个,某一位 He wish to be a Mozart. A Mr. Thomason wanted to see you. A professor Zhou applied for the post. 不定冠词的几种特殊用法 用在序数词前,再一,又一 She has called on the president a third time but hasn’t seen him once yet. 用在复数可数名词前表示一个整体概念 He had a busy two weeks. I have a good twenty dollars in my pocket. 不定冠词的几种特殊用法 用在固定结构a / an + n. + of + a / an + n. 前面名词是后面名词的特征或性质 像…一样的,是属于某一类的 a lion of a man 雄狮般勇敢地人 a flower of a girl / a treasure of a son 鲜花似的姑娘 / 宝贝儿子 a mountain of a wave 滔天巨浪 不定冠词的几种特殊用法 用在物质名词前,物质名词具体化 表示该物质材料所做成的制品,或表示一阵,一份,一类,一场 Since you like steak so much, why don’t order ( ) steak? A. the B. an C. a D. / 不定冠词的几种特殊用法 a + n. 任何或指一类 A dog is a faithful animal. 其他用法阅读课本P39--40 4.2-4.3定冠词用法 P41- 45 人体部位名词 I took him by the hand. The mosquito bit me on the leg. She had the urge to beat him over the head. 定冠词用法 用于必须加介词by的单位名词前 We rent the house by the year. Sugar


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