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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Work in groups to discuss the following questions. Culture express - Exercises 2 Cultural differences between countries or regions often result in prejudices and stereotypes. Besides what you’ve read above, can you think of any other examples? Cultural differences between northern and southern China have led to some stereotypes about northerners and southerners. For example, northerners are regarded as conservative and inflexible by some southerners, while southerners are sometimes ridiculed by northerners as stingy and sophisticated. 点击左上角的“Unit 1”的左半部和右半部可以前后翻页。点击“?”按钮可以打开更多的“tips”。展示答案请点击右下角的“钥匙”按钮,点击“扫把”按钮可以清空答案。 * 点击右下角的“ABC”按钮可以查看录音原文。 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 按图标S只显示需讲解的句子超链接;按图标W只显示需讲解的词汇和短语超链接;按扫帚图标清除所有超链接标记。按上箭头回到上一层。 * 按图标S只显示需讲解的句子超链接;按图标W只显示需讲解的词汇和短语超链接;按扫帚图标清除所有超链接标记。按上箭头回到上一层。 * * * * * * * * * * * * 2. Work in groups to discuss the following questions. Passage B – Comprehension According to the speaker, what is Shakespeare’s contribution to the world? Shakespeare created many plays. Many of his lines are widely known by people all over the world, which can help people communicate across cultures sometimes. Passage B – Comprehension We can publish English versions of Chinese classics, release more English versions of films reflecting Chinese culture, and introduce people in the West traditional Chinese holidays. 2. Can you think of some ways to help people in the West know more about Chinese culture? Passage B – Vocabulary and structure 1. Cross out (?) the word in each group that does not belong. remain replace change 1 exchange co-worker enemy colleague 2 partner fail accomplish fulfill 3 achieve authentic conventional modern 4 traditional ? ? ? ? Attempts are being made to settle the dispute (争端)by ____________ means. Any investment _____________ an element of risk. we’ll make our decision and contact the people ____________. 2. Compare each pair of words and complete the following sen
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