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Grooming Hygiene 仪容仪表和个人卫生 Looking Your Best! 展示给客人你最佳的仪容,仪表? Creating An Impression. 给客人留下深刻的印象? Our Hotel’s Image. 我们酒店的形象 You are the representative of our hotel! 你就是酒店的代表! Grooming Standard 仪容仪表标准 Hair 头发 Must be clean, neat and tidy with sufficient mousse at all times. 时刻保持头发干净整洁,并涂有适量摩丝。 No fancy design hair styles. 不留怪异发型。 May not look wet and oily. 头发看起来不可过分油腻。 No fancy unnatural colored hair. 头发颜色自然。 Well combed looking, not loose. 头发梳理整齐。 Fringe must be above the eyebrow. 头发不可超过眉毛。 Short at length not covering ears or collar. 头发不可超过耳朵和衣领。 No sideburns 不留鬓角。 Not distracting nor covering the face. 头发不遮住脸部。 Hair-Male 男士头发 Neatly with hair bun for shoulder length. 头发超过肩膀,用发网扎起。 No fancy/colorful hair pin. 不允许使用除黑色以外其他颜色的发夹。 Hair-Female 女士头发 Must be cleanly shaved at all times. 保持面部干净。 No beards, goatees, moustaches. 不留胡须。 Face-Male 男士面部 Light makeup (Natural color) 淡妆。 Appropriate lipstick color 合适的口红颜色。 Face-Female 女士面部 Uniform 制服 Fit well 合身 Ironed well 熨烫平整 Clean Spotless 干净整洁 Right name badge and in the right place 个人名牌佩戴在正确位置 Tie/Bow tightened 领带/领结扣紧 Shirt/Blouse tucked in 衬衣/短衫无外露 Plain black or dark color tone socks only for male. 男士只允许穿黑色袜子。 Skirts must always be worn with pantyhose stockings for female. Plain, skin color and no runs/no holes. 女员工穿酒店统一发放的丝袜,并且保证丝袜无破洞、无抽丝。 Shoes polished and in good condition. 工鞋光亮,完好 Shoes Socks 鞋袜 Clean, short and well trimming. 指甲干净,修剪整齐 No colored nail polish, clear polish is acceptable. 女士只允许涂无色透明指甲油。 Finger Nail 指甲 Jewelry 饰物 No fancy jewelry. 不允许佩戴耀眼的首饰 A pair of small ear studs for females only. 女员工每只耳朵只能佩戴一个耳钉 You are allowed a simple wedding band 只允许佩戴结婚戒指 No brooch, bracelet, anklets and lip/nose/earrings 不允许佩戴胸针,手镯,脚链,嘴\鼻\耳环。 Watch 手表 No fancy watch. Business style only. 不允许佩戴运动型或外形夸张的手表。 只允许佩戴传统型手表。 Hats must be worn at all times. 时刻佩戴工作帽。


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