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Smart Grid 智能电网, 2014, 4, 180-192
Published Online October 2014 in Hans. /journal/sg
The Framework Design of the Integrated
and Interactive Smart Business Hall
Lingfang Jiang
State Grid Electric Power Research Institute of Henan Electric Power Corporation, Zhengzhou
Email: 824074768@
th th th
Received: Aug. 29 , 2014; revised: Sep. 27 , 2014; accepted: Oct. 11 , 2014
Copyright ? 2014 by author and Hans Publishers Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).
At present, the smart grid “three characteristic” (with information, automation, and interactive)
has developed rapidly, the smart business hall as an important part of the smart grid, will affect
the service and the whole band image. Based on the analysis of the functional requirements of the
intelligent business hall, the scheme of integration of interactive business hall is proposed, in-
cluding the detailed information about the whole design, the implementation support system, in-
teractive management system and the construction plan of functional zone, in addition, the 95598
platform is also designed, in order to realize the interactive and intelligent. Finally, the paper
briefly describes the modification scheme, investigation and benefits for one power supply bureau
based on the above scheme. The design makes full use of the communication technology, comput-
er technology and considers the user experience habits, helps to improve the efficiency of the en-
terprise and brand, save administrative costs, for the construction of smart grid has realistic en-
gineering significance.
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