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2015届 分类号: 单位代码 :10452 毕业论文(设计) 六层旅馆设计 姓 名  学 号  年 级  2013 专 业  土木工程 系 (院) 建筑学院 指导教师  摘 要 室内外高差0.45米, 本设计分为建筑设计和结构设计两个方面,在建筑设计方面,为了让旅客感到舒适、安全、方便,本设计应符合《旅馆建筑设计规设计规范》所要求的安全、卫生、适用等基本要求,对建筑进行合理的规划和布局安排。在结构设计方面,本设计为六层框架结构,关键词:;框架结构;建筑设计;结构设计 ABSTRACT My design is the hotel of six storey with 180 bed .This is six-floor building.The height of the building is 18 m ,and the elevation between inside and outside is 0.45 m .The area of structure is 6500 m2. The building is designed to withstand an earthquake of 7.1 magnitude.In architectural design ,the longspan common parts like the hall and café are on the first floor.The guest rooms are on the two-to-six floors.The building is the cast-in-place frame structure.and the area of the guest room is not large.In order to make a reasonable and architectural design conomic structure ,the design is frame structure. The design is divided into two arpart:architectural design and structural design.To make the passengers feel comfortable and saved,the design should conform to the basic principle:savitey,comfortable and durable.Demanded by the《Hotel design specification》,the reasonable planning and arrangement of this design are made.In the aspect of structural ,the design is frame construction of six floors ,and the reasonable component is choosed.The design should conform to the basic principle:savitey,comfortable and durable. This design is the summary of the knowledge of my university study like load statistics,internal force calculation and so on.I practice CAD ,PKPM,Excel, and I improve myself. Keywords: ,Architectural design ,Architectural design ,Structural design 目 录 前言 1 1 建筑设计 2 1.1 工程概况 2 1.2 设计资料 2 1.2.1 气象资料 2 1.2.2 工程地质资料 2 1.2.3 水文地质资料 2 1.2.4 抗震设防 3 1.2.5 规模 3 1.2.6 屋面及楼面做


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