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2006XX市 小学生英语口语能力展评活动 Oral English Competition 绕口令 电影对白模仿 单词竞猜 影视听力理解 看图说故事 猜谜语 绕口令 (热身1 ) 绕口令 (热身2) Two tiny tigers take two taxis to town 绕口令 1 I wish I were what I was when you wished 绕口令 2 How may saws could a see-saw saw if a see-saw could saw saws? 绕口令 3 How much oil boil can a gum boil boil? 绕口令 4 Blakes black bikes back block broke. 绕口令 5 The great Greek grape growers grow great grapes. 绕口令 6 Peter Piper picked a peck of peppers . 绕口令 7 The batter with the butter is the batter that is better! 绕口令 8 Blakes black bikes back block broke. 绕口令 9 Big black bugs bleed blue black blood. 电影对白模仿 clip 1 电影对白模仿 clip 2 单词竞猜 grandfather singer headache hippo candle drink August barber genie candy money spaceship magic milk sunny photo music broom camera chocolate cousin hungry climb ice cream balloon blow police officer giraffe staple flower March violin cook kangaroo unhappy carrot moon windy stair watch fold the clothes February ant Saturday sun parrot chicken scissors butcher garage wash face 影视听力理解 clip1 1.???? Where do Koala bears live? A. Austria B. Algeria C. Australia 2. How long do they sleep a day? A. 20 hours B. 12 hours C. 24 hours 影视听力理解 clip 2 看图说故事(1) 请充分发挥你们的想象力,根据上面提供的图画的内容构思一个小故事。然后用英语说给大家听。时间为2-3分钟。 看图说故事(2) 请充分发挥你们的想象力,根据上面提供的图画的内容构思一个小故事。然后用英语说给大家听。时间为2-3分钟。 看图说故事(3) 看图说故事(4) 看图说故事(5) 猜谜语 riddles what letter is a part of the head? what letter is a question? what begins with T, ends with T, and is full of T? ? what table has no legs? ?I have hands and face, but I can’t touch or smile. What am I ? ?3. What type of kangaroos is the largest? A. the stronger kangaroo B. the red kangaroo C. the bad kangaroo 4. When do they like to eat? A. at nine B. from 19:00 to 24:00 C. from 5:00 to 18:00 ??? 5. Where does a baby kangaroo stay for 5—6 months? A. in it’s mother’s


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