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一,句子的种类(按结构) (一),简单句 S+V+O (即主语+谓语+宾语) (二),并列句 S1+V1+O1+but/yet/however/so/therefore/and+S2+V2+O2 (三),主从并列句 S1+V1+O1+conj(主从复合句的连词)+S2+V2+O2 二,简单句的各种成分: 在一望无际的草原上,有一只洁白可爱的小绵羊在翠绿的草地上欢快地吃着青草。 主,谓,宾, 表,定,状 三,简单句:句子里只有一个主谓结构,且各个 成分都只由单词或短语构成。共有5种结构。 结 构 例 句 主语+不及物动词 He smiled. 主语+系动词+表语 We are Chinese. 主语+及物动词+宾语 They study French. 主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语 Tom gives me a pen-box. 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 (n,adj, adv,prep.phr,to-do) He found the old man dead. 5种基本句型 1.主语+动词(vi) she cried. 2.主语+动词(vt)+宾语 She likes milk. 3.主语+动词+宾语+宾补(n./adj/adv/介词短语/to do sth- ) We asked him to come back. She thought him a good partner. We elected him our headteacher. 4.主语+动词+间宾+直宾 直接宾语:动作的具体内容是什么 间接宾语:动作的对象--为谁,给谁 Mum bought me a new toy. I will pass you some papers. She lend me some money. 5.主语+系动词+表语 系动词:状态系动词 be 持续系动词keep ,remain, stay, lie, stand 表象系动词 seem ,appear, look, 感官系动词feel ,smell,taste,sound 变化系动词become,grow,get,come , 终止系动词prove,turn out She is a beautiful girl. I like fishing. It turns out to be good. She sent me a letter. It seems so nice. Your brother has gone home.. The sun rises in the east. She is a beautiful girl I like fishing. It turns out to be good. She sent me a letter. It seems so nice. Your brother has gone home. The sun rises in the east. 主语,系动词,表语 主语,谓语,宾语 主语,系动词,表语 主语,谓语,间宾,直宾 主语,系动词,表语 主语,谓语,状语 主语,谓语,状语 划分句子成分 1.The?girl?under?the?tree?is?Kate . 2.I bought a new dictionary. 3.The boy is in this room. 4.Your watch is not the same as mine. 5.The poor boy was my son. 6.When he came in, she smiled. The?girl?under?the?tree?is?Kate . I bought a new dictionary. The boy is in this room. Your watch is not the same as mine. The poor boy was my son. When he came in, she smiled. 主语,定语,系动词,表语 主语,谓语,宾语 主语,系动词,表语 主语,系动词,表语,状语 主语,系动词,表语 状语,主语,谓语 阅读下面的句子并且找出每句话的主语。 Our school leaders are very strict with the teachers. Climbing


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