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* * 北京烤鸭 roast Beijing duck 辣子鸡丁 saute diced chicken with hot peppers 宫爆鸡丁 saute diced chicken with peanuts 红烧鲤鱼 braised common carp 茄汁虾仁 saute fish slices with bamboo shoots 涮羊肉 instant boiled sliced mutton 糖醋里脊 pork fillets with sweetsour sauce China covers a large territory and has many nationalities, hence a variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavor. 中国地域辽阔,民族众多,因此各种中国饮食口味不同,却都味美,令人垂涎 Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines : 中国饮食可以大致分为八大地方菜系 : Shandong Cuisine 山东菜系 Sichuan Cuisine 四川菜系 Cantonese food 广东菜系 Fujian Cuisine 福建菜系 Jiangsu Cuisine 江苏菜系 ZheJiang Cuisine 浙江菜系 Hunan cuisine 湖南菜系 Anhui Cuisine 安徽菜系 Dumplings Wonton/huntun baozi jiaozi Jiaozi has a very long history in China, once it was invented by a famous doctor to prevent people from getting sick. Though the present Jiaozi has changed a lot from the original one, its significance has, however, improved. Nowadays, Jiaozi is a very common food in the north part of China (as introduced just now, in Shandong Province and many other neighboring places). When the Chinese new year comes, almost every Chinese family will eat jiaozi, because the pronunciation of jiaozi can express a very good meaning, which both means the happy get-together of family members and connection of the new year and the past old year. Jiaozi can be made into many shapes, the stuffs inside are also various. Ways to cook Jiaozi are also diverse: deeply-fry, boil ,steam,etc Now, please join me and use your own hand to creat some fantastic work! 粽子-Zong zi Sticky Rice Wrapped in Leaves A Famous Ancient Chinese Poet and Statesman-Quyuan When Chinese People talk about Zongzi, we are always related to this great man, who was talented as a poet but chilled in his political career.Being framed by some flunkies who were jealous of his talent and afraid of his sense of justice, Quy


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