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镇 江 高 专 ZHENJIANG COLLEGE 毕 业 设 计 (论 文) 复杂轴类零件的编程与仿真加工 Programming and Simulation of complex shaft parts 系 名: 装备制造学院 专业班级: 机电D132 学生姓名: 朱忠康 学 号: 130104404 指导教师姓名: 钱绍祥 指导教师职称: 副教授 2016年3月 摘要 随着科学技术的快速发展,产品的精度越来越高,也越来越复杂。一种新型的机床在这种需求下产生了,数控机床不仅可以满足产品高精度和高复杂度的要求,而且还具有通用性和灵活性。数控机床包括了计算机技术、自动控制技术、伺服驱动技术、自动检测技术、精密机械技术等,是典型的机电一体化产品。数控机床体现了世界机床技术进步的主流,也反映出一个国家在制造和自动化水平技术的高低,在柔性生产和计算机集成制造等先进制造技术中起着重要作用。数控机床自动化程度高、精度高和效率高的特点被广泛应用。 本次设计选用广州数控GSK980TD机床,利用CAD软件完成零件的平面图形绘制,并对零件图进行工艺分析、确定加工路线、工艺流程等,然后手动编程,最后运用斯沃软件进行仿真加工。 关键词: 工艺分析;数控编程;加工工艺;数控车削仿真加工; Abstract With the rapid development of science and technology, the precision of the products is higher and higher, also more and more complicated.A new type of machine tool is produced under this kind of demand,CNC machine tools can not only meet the requirements of high precision, high complexity, but also has the versatility and flexibility.CNC machine tools including computer technology, automatic control technology, servo drive technology, automatic detection technology, precision machinery technology, etc., is a typical mechanical and electrical integration products. CNC machine tool reflects the mainstream of world machine tool technology progress, also reflects a national high and low in manufacturing and automation technology, in flexible production and computer integrated manufacturing and advanced manufacturing technology plays an important role. CNC machine high degree of automation, high precision and high efficiency features is widely used. This design selects Guangzhou GSK980TD numerically controlled machine tool, using CAD software to complete parts of graphic drawing, and of parts for process analysis, determine the processing route, process flow and manual programming. Finally, we use Swansoft software simulation processing. Key?words:? Technology analysis;?CNC programming;?Process


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