新译林新课标9A Unit 7-8单元全部附答案概要.doc

新译林新课标9A Unit 7-8单元全部附答案概要.doc

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新译林新课标9A Unit 7-8单元全部附答案概要

9A Unit 7 根据中文完成下列句子。 让我们去远足而不是呆在家里好吗? Let’s go hiking ______________________ staying at home, ____________________________? 哈维的父母找到了一些适合他读的书籍。 Harvey’s parents found some books_____________________________. 我们确信中国梦一定会在不远的将来实现。 We are sure________________________________. 这个演讲非常精彩,我们都听得很认真。 The speech ______________________________we all listened carefully. 她有如此好的表演天赋,她适合进入影视业。 She has such a good gift for acting that she_________________________. 答案: instead of; shall we suitable/fit for him to read China Dream will come true in the near future. was so wonderful that is suitable for entering the film industry. 根据中文完成下列句子。 它是好莱坞空前最伟大的女演员之一。 Gong Li is one of the most beautiful ___________ (act)in China. 张亮作为模特之前是作为一个厨师而工作。 Zhang Liang_______________________ before he became a model. 奥黛丽.赫本的成功生涯持续了大约40年。 Audrey Hepburn’s_____________________________. 杨幂被选中担任《小时代》的主角。 Yang Mi_______________________________ in Tiny Times. 杨澜的成就不仅限于主持业。 Yang Lan’s __________________________________. 答案: all-time greatest films worked as a cook Successful career lasted for about 40 years Was chosen to play the lead role Achievements went beyond the host industry 根据中文完成下列句子。 赫本喜爱跳舞,梦想成为一名成功的芭蕾舞者。 Hepburn loved dancing and ___________________________________. 导游坚持她是演这部电影主角的最完美女孩。 The director insisted that she _________________________ in the film. 1994年林青霞在结婚后息影。 In 1994 after Lin Qingxia got married she____________________________. 昨天我在商场购物时碰见了一位老朋友。 Yesterday___________________________, I met an old friend. 答案 dreamt of becoming a successful ballet dancer Was the perfect girl for the lead role. made her final appearance while shopping in the shipping mall 根据中文完成下列句子。 赫本一生中帮助过世界各地的许多贫困孩子。 Hepburn ____________________________ during her lifetime. 她在这部电影里扮演了一个公主的角色。 She_______________________________ in this film. 那个小男孩坚持要买玩具火车。 The little boy_________________________________. 许多小说已经被成功地改编成了剧本。 Many novels______________________________. 现在中国在世界的政治、经济舞台上正扮演着一个越来越重要的角色。 Now China_________


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