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价值流图介绍 许多企业按照《精益思想》书中第11章所建议的逐步改变的流程,但只是首先很好的完成了步骤1到步骤3来实施精益管理的改革: 步骤1 – 寻找一个改进经纪人(你自己怎么样?) 步骤2 – 寻找一个专家(一个你可以从他那里借鉴学习曲线的老师) 步骤3 – 通过抓住危机或创造危机在你的公司中激励新的行为 然后就直接跳到了步骤5 : 步骤5 – 选择一些重要的内容,然后迅速的消除浪费,你自己都会为你自己在这么短的时间里取得的成绩而感到惊讶 而被忽略的步骤4实际上却是最重要的: 步骤4 – 为所有的产品族绘制整个价值流图 价值流图介绍 行动只是集中在每个产品价值流的一小段上。 没有进行系统的价值流改善,遇到问题往往只有绕过去 价值流图介绍 例子 – 当前状态图 Future-State Value Stream 挑选一个产品族 完成当前状态图 完成未来状态图 实施行动计划 Two major issues relate to problems getting parts to your customer Customer demand variation Variation in order frequency and quantity Manufacturing process variation Problems within your own process (scrap, downtime, etc.) The key is to protect your customer. A finished goods buffer can do that. Don’t forget - continue to find and eliminate the waste. At any point where the flow stops you will have inventory. A pull system manages that inventory in a controlled manner. FIFO - First in First out. In a FIFO system you have managed inventory and Delphi considers this a “FIFO Push within a Pull System”. State: There are two types of leveling boxes: Macro Leveling Boxes and Micro Leveling Boxes. Explain Macro Leveling: Schedule is daily per part. Objective is to have the same number of cards per part every Day (an equal workload). State: The second type of Leveling Box is Micro. Explain Micro Leveling: Schedule is …. Objective is ... You don’t need to read each one. This is just a list of what will be explained in the next few slides. As with Current State, each step is explained in more detail. Click to reveal Step 7 Emphasize the need for a plan. You have to implement or the maps are only wallpaper. Click to reveal the note If you put the Current State map on a whiteboard in one color, use a different color to show where Future State improvements could be made. 在什么地方可以采用连续流的处理方式? 需要思考的关键问题 批量作业模式 连续流模式(单件流) 流程 “A” 流程 “B” 流程 “C” 流程 “A” 流程 “B” 流程 “C” I I (批量作业模式或连续流作业模式?) 10:00 10:00 10:03 11:50 这个问题是问我们在什么地方需要采用超市方法,或什么时候我们建立相联系的流程 遇到这个问题时,请评估以下因素: 作业周期时间的兼容性 硬件(设备)有效运转


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