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专题讲演 煤与瓦斯突出灾害特征 学生姓名:专业班级:学 号:指导教师::综合成绩: 辽宁工程技术大学 煤与瓦斯突出灾害特征 摘要 煤与瓦斯突出的发生将危及井下工作人员的生命财产安全,同时也将发生井下巷道、设备等的损毁,造成煤矿企业的经济损失。为了避免上述情况的出现,了解煤与瓦斯突出的概况、分类、显著特征、发生机理是十分必要的。煤与瓦斯突出是一种极其复杂的矿井动力现象,在突出之前均具有明显的征兆,因此本文也简要介绍了煤与瓦斯突出的预测和防治方法。在预测方面,可以分为区域突出危险性预测和工作面突出危险性预测两大类,同样,在治理方面也相应分为区域防突措施和局部防突措施两方面。了解煤与瓦斯突出的基本知识后,结合预测和防治方法,在相关区域对矿井进行突出的预处理,充分做好保护井下工作人员和生产设备的安全工作,防止出现重大的生产事故,不让悲剧再次发生。 关键词:煤与瓦斯突出;分类和特征;预测方法;防治措施 Characteristics of Coal and Gas Outburst Disaster ABSTRACT The occurrence of coal and gas outburst will endanger the safety of life and property of the underground personnel, and it will also cause damage to roadway, equipment and so on, which will result in the economic loss of coal enterprises. In order to avoid the above situation, it is very necessary to understand the general situation, classification, prominent features and mechanism of coal and gas outburst. Coal and gas outburst is a very complicated phenomenon, which has obvious signs before outburst, so the prediction and control method of coal and gas outburst is also introduced in this paper. In the forecast, it can be divided into two categories: the regional outburst risk prediction and the work face outburst risk prediction, the same, in terms of governance is also divided into two aspects of the regional conflict prevention measures and local prevention and control measures. Understanding of coal and gas outburst of the basic knowledge, combined with prediction and control methods, in the related area of mine were prominent pre processing, do a good job of protecting the safety of the underground work personnel and production equipment, prevent the occurrence of major accidents in production, dont let the tragedy happen again. Keywords:coal and gas outburst; classification and characteristics; prediction method;prevention and control measures 目录 1煤与瓦斯突出的含义和危害 1 1.1含义 1 1.2危害 1 2煤与瓦斯突出概况 1 3煤与瓦斯突出的分类和显现特征 1 3.1按突出动力现象特征进行分类 1 3.1.1煤与瓦


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