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论文题目 货物列车车钩故障的 原因及控制 毕 业 生: 指导教师: 专 业:交通运输 200年月日 摘 要 随着铁路运输的高速发展,货物列车重载、提速也逐步增加,车钩裂损、分离等方面的故障也逐步增加,大大增加了铁路货车的临修率,影响了货物列车的正常运用秩序。加之列车牵引重量的不断增大,速度的提高及作为装在常用货物列车上的13、16、17号车钩,13号车钩因使用时间长,16、17号车钩为新型车钩,所以存在的问题也暴露的日渐明显,以致列车车钩断裂和分离事故已成为多发事故。列车分离若发生在列车发车或运行途中耽误列车时即构成一般行车事故,若发生在坡道地段,特别是高坡地区一旦列车空气制动机失灵时,还容易造成部分车辆溜走,闯入车站或溜入区间,造成撞车、冲突及脱轨颠覆等性质严重的行车事故。由于事故发生率高,对运输秩序的干扰和造成的经济损失也较为严重,应该引起重视,积极予以防止。本文从列车车钩常见故障和分离的特征、原因,防止方法及措施以及应急处理等方面进行了阐述。 关键词:列车;车钩故障;原因;控制; ABSTRACT With the rapid development of rail transport, heavy-duty freight trains, the speed gradually increased, loss-coupler, in areas such as the separation of the fault is also gradually increasing, the railway has greatly increased the temporary repair of the goods, the impact on freight trains to use the normal order. In addition, the weight of the trains traction increasing, the rate of increase in installed and used as a freight train on the coupler, 13,16,17, 13 coupler as a result of the use of long hours, 16, 17, a new coupler for the coupler, so the problems Also exposed the growing significantly, resulting in broken coupler and the separation of train accidents have become accident-prone. If the train separation took place in train or start running trains on the way when the delay constitutes a normal traffic accident, occurred at the ramp of the lot, especially in high-slope areas once the train air brake failure, but also part of the vehicle easily slip into the station Or slip into the interval, resulting in a collision, conflict and the derailment of a serious nature, such as subversion traffic accident. Due to the high incidence of accidents, transport and interfere with the order of the economic losses caused by more serious and should pay attention to and actively prevent them. This article from the train coupler and the separation of the common characteristics of the fault, why, as well as measures to prevent and deal with emergency in areas such as described . Key word: Train;


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