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* When IG is on, the signal to the transistors that have to 控制 the 绝缘栅双极晶体管 in the 变频器 are turned on in relation to the information received from the resolver. Since the Generator is stopped, there is no time difference between the activation of coil “U” and “W” When the 发动机is running, the signals are 120 degrees shifted. Every transistor pair is once activated to turn the rotor to the poles. Since the rotor has 8 poles, the rpm’s of the MG1 can be calculated as follows: One pole shift takes 2.8 ms x 8 poles =19.6 ms per complete rotor revolution or 51.6 Hz x 60 =3096 rpm Converted to 发动机rpm’s ends up at 3096 : 3.6 = 860 rpm 当点火开关on, 控制绝缘栅双极晶体管(变频器中)的晶体管所需要的信号就要处于开启状态,以随时联系从分解器型转子位置传感器得到的信息 因为发电机停转,因此U W相之间没有相位差,当发动机运行时,信号差了120度,每一个晶体管对一旦被触发就旋转转子磁极。 因为转子有8个极,MG1的转速可以如下计算: 每个磁极移动需要 2.8 ms x 8 极 =19.6 ms (转子转动一圈) 因此 51.6 Hz x 60 =3096 rpm 转换成发动机的转速 达到 3096 : 3.6 = 860 rpm * The red sinewave indicates the current drawn by the coils through the applied DR signal on the gate of the 绝缘栅双极晶体管’s. The higher this DR is, the higher the current will be. To be able to form this waveform from a DC 电压, the DR needs to change over a half a period from low to highback to low. Therefore the carrier frequency used to support this DR might fluctuate between 5 and 10kHz for more accurate 控制 when required(MG1 on RX) The frequency of the created sine wave 控制 the rotational 速度 of the MG. The small torque fluctuations make the rotor rotate step less by 控制ling a smooth current change. 红色正弦波显示电流显示电流,是DR信号作用在绝缘栅双极晶体管上,施加到定子线圈上的电流。DR越大,电流越大, 为了用直流电压形成形成这波形,DR需要把半波改变成从低频到高频再到低频,因此载波频率用来支持这DR可能从5到10kHZ实现更准确的控制,当需要时。(MG1再RX上) 建立的正弦波其频率控制MG的转动频率。 低扭矩输出时可以通过控制得到平缓的电流使转子转动步幅小(自注:电流频率低,载波信号频率高) * To 控制 average current flow, a 5 or 10 kHz PWM signal is put on top of the transistor 控制 signals.The wider the activation pulses are, the more current is drawn. 为控制平均电流,一个5或10kHz PWM信号输入到晶体管的控制信号端,触发脉冲越宽,就会有更大电流输出。 * * DC 201.6V ? DC 12V conversion to charge the auxiliary 蓄电池 201.6V的直流转换


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