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Unit six Security and E-commerce Lesson 11 Firewall Warm-up Look at the pictures and write down the names with the words in the box. The function: 1. Do you know what function of the Great Wall in the ancient times is? Its function is to ____________________________. 2. The watch dog is used in public places, such as in banks, supermarkets, in some examination rooms. Its function is to ____________________________. 3. As we know, the White House is the place where the president of the American works. The function of the wire around the White House is to _________________. Reading New Words impediment [ impedim?nt ] n. 障碍 concern [ k?ns?:n ] n. 关心之事 threat [ θret ]?n. 威胁 hacker [ h?k? ] n. 电脑黑客 monitor [ m?nit? ]?v. 监视 safeguard [ seif.gɑ:d ] v. 保卫,保护 integrity [ integriti ] n. 完整 document [ d?kjum?nt ]?n. 文档 isolate [ ais?leit ]?vt. 使隔离,使孤立 adequate [ ?dikwit ]?a. 足够的 investment [ investm?nt ] n. 投资额 expense [ Ikspens ]?n. 消费,支出 afford [ ?f?:d ]?v. 提供 Expressions play a role in 在...中起作用 isolate……from 使隔离,使孤立 prevent ……from doing 防止...做... depend on 依靠,取决于 think over 考虑 based on 以…为基础 cost-effective rule 成本—效益原则 Language study 1. One of the major impediments … has been concern about security.在电子交易中,安全是其中一个人们最担忧的问题。在本文中,concern 用做名词,译为“关心之事”。 concern 词性较多,可用做名词、动词、形容词和介词。 用做动词,译为“与…有关系;影响”。 e.g. His low grades concerns me. 他的低分影响了我。 (2) 用做名词,译为“关心之事”。 e.g. One of mine concerns is his low grades. 我所关心的其中一个事情是他的分数太低了。 (3) 用做形容词,译为“关心” e.g. We are concerned parents. 我们关心父母。 (4) concerning用做介词,译为“关于” e.g. Concerning the payment, how should we arrange them? 关于支付,我们应对此如何安排? 2. firewall plays an important role in controlling,… play an important role in …在…方面起着重要作用。 e.g. China will play an important role in the international political arena(舞台). 中国将在国际政治舞台上扮演重要的角色。 3. The firewall used in Internet is not a real wall but a component system of the computer hardware and software, which isolates … 运用在因特网上的防火墙不是一堵真正的墙,而是一个由计算机硬件和软件组


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