
2019年四年级英语上册 Lesson 30 Months of the year教案 冀教版.docVIP

2019年四年级英语上册 Lesson 30 Months of the year教案 冀教版.doc

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2019年四年级英语上册 Lesson 30 Months of t he year教案 冀教版 一、教学目标: 1.知识与技能:通过本课学习,使学生掌握(正确地说、读、写、 用)下列词汇: months of the year (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December) weather (cold, warm,hot,cool),会用所学单词描述天气情况。 2.情感态度价值观:让学生体会英语学习中的乐趣,能交流个人信息,乐于参与小组活动,积极参与。 二、教学重难点: 使学生掌握本课的单词 三、教学媒体: 磁带、单词卡片 四、教学过程: (一)Class Opening and Review 1. Greeting. 2. SING “AS I WAS GOING DOWN THE STREET” (二)New Concepts 1. DEMONSTRATE Write today’s date on the blackboard in both English and Chinese. Point out that English and Chinese order dates differently. For English, the order is usually month, day, year. 2. Teach the months of the year. Play the audiotape for part1. As the speaker says the names of the months in English, hold up the corresponding vocabulary cards. Play the audiotape again. 3. DRILL (Show the poster of the months of the year) T: What month is this? C: This is… 4. DRAW A PICTURE. Ask the students to find partners and draw a picture on each piece of paper that somehow represents the month. 5. Teach new words for weather. Ask the students to describe the weather in Chinese for different seasons. Write down the words on the blackboard in English. (cold,warm,hot,cool) Write weather on the blackboard and say it with the students a few times. Ask the students to describe the pictures in part 3. Write the English words for the weather and say them a few times with the students. (The weather is_____. It is_____. ) Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books. 6. PRACTICE AND PRESENT Divide the class into twelve groups. Assign each group a month of the year. Tell each group to create a description, no more than three sentences, for the weather for that month. (三)Class Closing 附送: 2019年四年级英语上册 Lesson 6 Where Are Th ey说课稿教案 冀教版 今天我说课的内容是冀教版小学英语Book 4《lesson6: Where Are They? 》,下面我从教材、学情、教法、学法、教学过程、板书设计和作业六个方面来展开我的说课。 一、说教材 1、教材的内容和地位 我今天授课的内容为UNIT 1 lesson6: Where Are They? 文中涉及了单词识记,短语组合,代词 he/she,his/her用法,现在进行时等多项内


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