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* 1、举例:拉伸应变与张应力之间的关系(弹性与塑性) 对不同的金属材料图形大致相同 弹性 塑性 正比关系 a为正比极限 b为弹性极限 c为断裂点 非正比关系, 但在弹性限度内 塑性范围 若 的差值大,则材料的 可塑性强,具延展性,差值 小则可塑性弱,脆性。 * a) 杨氏模量 E=拉伸应力/拉伸应变= ?/? 2、弹性模量 正比极限范围内,应力与应变成正比(即胡克定律), 应力与应变的比值为一恒量,称该物体的弹性模量: 弹性模量=应力/应变 弹性模量决定于物体材料性质,单位与应力同(N/m2) * b) 切变模量 G =切应力/切应变= ? ? ? c) 体变模量 K =体应力/体应变= p /θ (负号表示 * 说明: 1、弹性模量表示物体形变难易程度,一般只与材料 本身性质有关,弹性模量越大,越不易形变; 2、正比极限范围内,模量为常量,超过正比极限, 模量不为常量; 3、模量与形变有关的物体为非线形弹性体,如生 物材料。 * 总结: 应力类型 应力公式 应变公式 模量公式 模量名称 ? (=F/S) p(=F/S) ? (=F/S) 张应力 压应力 切应力 ? =?L/L0 ? = tan? ? = –?V/V 杨氏模量 体变模量 切变模量 * 例1-5 人骨骼上的肱二头肌,可对相连的骨骼施加约600N的力,设肱二头肌横截面面积的平均值为 ,与骨骼相联肌腱的横截面积的平均值为 ,试求肱二头肌和肌腱的张应力。 解:根据张应力的公式,对肱二头肌,张应力为 对肌腱而言,张应力为 * 例、 将 2 kg 的重物悬挂在圆柱型金属丝下,其长度由 60.00 cm 变成60.06 cm . 金属丝直径为 0.05 mm,试计算金属丝的应力、应变及杨氏模量。 L0 ?L0 解: * (first lecture could be finished at Example 1 on slice 21 in this file. University life as a student is really happy and exciting. But now for me it is only a dream. As a university student, you could get new knowledge everyday; you could have the purest friendship with your classmates. Every time you passed an examination, your knowledge was raised to a higher level on that subject. When you finished all examinations in your university, you would become a higher-educated person. So you are more important to our society. “Medical physics” is just the fundamental physics for medical students in China. As a medical college students, internationally they should finish fundamental physics courses before they become medical students. But it is different in our country. However, we could not break the natural law of education system and because of this, you would learn more physics other than medicine in the present course. But medical applications will be connected to physics knowledge wherever it is possible. Medical Physics 医用物理学 彭友霖 教授 电话 什么是物理学 what 为什么要学物理学 why 如何学好物理 how 主要讲三个问题:三W 物理学的历史可以上溯到古希腊的自然哲学。事实上,在


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