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毕业论文(设计)题 目: 系部名称: 经济管理系 专业班级学生姓名: 学 号指导教师: 教师职称2011年0月 Abstract Chain supermarkets had developed in our country more than ten years, now its development speed is faster. Retail enterprises play an increasingly important role because of their high efficiency and many varieties. As China’s entry into WTO and global economy’s integration, foreign large chain supermarkets enter into our country one after another and give a big shock to domestic chain enterprises. Although domestic chain supermarkets had greatly developed, they are still far from foreign large chain supermarkets in logistic facilities and operational models. How to improve enterprises’ competitiveness in the market? This is the question that the domestic enterprises are thinking about now. As the most important part of chain operation, distribution appears in our eyes. Therefore, the distribution of chain supermarkets has been the key of science and material object area. This article mainly uses system analysis, comparative method and case analysis, puts forward the article’s main research frame. Through the system analysis and comparative method of most chain supermarkets, combining with practical cases, this article makes a deep analysis on the present distribution questions of China’s chain supermarkets. To research and summarize these questions’ roots and corresponding measures is helpful to put forward constructive suggestions for chain supermarkets’ distribution of our country. key words: chain supermarkets logistics distribution 目录 1引言 1.1研究的背景和意义 1.1.1 选题研究的背景 近年来,连锁经营以其特殊的竞争优势广泛渗透于零售业以及饮食业等服务业中,以经济实惠、规范经营、方便快捷、轻松随意等诸多优点赢得了广大消费者的认同。连锁超市是20世纪50年代兴起的一种零售业态,在我国真正的连锁超市起步于90年代初,在走过了艰难创业之路后,现在己经成为全国商业领域各种零售业态中增长最快的业态之一。二十多年来,虽然我国物流配送业取得了很大成绩,但由于国内历史上基础设施落后的局面以及长期以来重生产、轻流通和重商流、轻物流的思想影响,物流配送现阶段还很不成熟,很多配送中心是由原有的批发企业、储运企业转化过来的,设备陈旧,现代化水平低。因此,物流配送体系的建设与发展明显落后于连锁超市业的发展。从2001到2003年,物流配送水平与连锁超市扩张速度的不匹配成为连锁超市企业盈利能力没有得到提升的重要原因。


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