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*南京航空航天大学金城学院自动化系 *南京航空航天大学金城学院自动化系 专业英语翻译 科技英语的翻译标准: 1. 翻译首先要做到忠实、准确,要“信”。也就是说译文应避免漏译或错误,忠实、正确地表达原文的内容。 2. 要做到通顺、流畅,要“达”。即指译文应通顺易懂,符合汉语的规范。 3. 译文在忠实和通顺的基础上还应注意文采,要“雅”。要讲修辞,使译文在逻辑上严谨而流畅,语言上优美而易懂。 专业英语翻译技巧(一) ——分清主从法 “分清主从法”,即在翻译的过程中,区分开复杂句的主要部分和从属部分,并作相应的处理的方法。 1. “分清主从”对于理解和表达都是必不可少的。 E.g1: At absolute zero, a pure semiconductor has all of its electrons tightly bound and acts as a insulator. 这是一个并行结构的句子,但在and之后的部分为主要部分。 译: 在绝对零度时,纯半导体所有电子紧紧结合在一起,因而显示出绝缘体的性质。 E.g2: The fourteen teams are kept informed of each other’s work and plan through TES and there is no unnecessary duplication of effort. 译: 这14个小组都通过了TES(XX小组委员会)相互通报彼此的工作情况和工作计划,因此,避免了不必要的重复性劳动。 E.g3: You may think that there is a special kind of English which is used only in science and technology, and which has to be learned as a separate language. 译: 你可能会认为有一种特殊的英语,只在科技上使用,因而必须作为一门独立的语言来学。 E.g4: You can tell the specific gravity of a certain object by knowing its weight in air and its weight in water. 译: 只要知道某一物体在空气中的重量和在水中的重量,你就能知道它的比重。 E.g5: But these electrons find it difficult to maintain their position——it is as though they were living above their station. 译: 但这些电子难以维持它们原来的位置,因为它们宛如漂浮在半空中一样。 2. 在汉语中句子的主要部分通常应放在从属部分之后。 E.g: There is air all round us though we can’t see it with the naked eye. 译: 虽然我们用肉眼看不见空气,但是它却存在于我们周围。 练习: 1. Where weight is the major consideration, aluminum is used. A material’s ability to conduct electricity also depends on its dimensions. 2. By way of comparison, a typical nuclear power plant is 1000 megawatts, and a typical coal power plant is about 400~700 megawatts. No other renewable technology can match the rapid growth of wind power in the 1980’s. 3. (In effect, the television camera takes 30 pictures of the object in front of it during one second.) The television receiver presents these pictures to your eyes at the same time rate, if the object before the camera is moving, its change of position from one picture to the next appears smooth and unbroken to