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English Literature Book Two Background 1. The French Revolution of 1789 — the turning point; the birth of modern political culture 2. In 1804, Napoléon — emperor of the First Empire I.?Historical Introduction Domestic: (1) Industrial Revolution ( 1760-1840 ) (2) Influence of French Revolution 背景知识 浪漫主义是近代西方的一种文化思潮,它产生于18世纪末的法国.浪漫主义的基本特征是推崇情感,情感福音成为与启蒙运动理性法庭不同的另一种思想倾向,这种倾向来源于卢梭.但卢梭并非是一种新体系的创建者,而是一个极富东方智慧的思想家.他的浪漫主义并非反对理性,而是反对知性,即狭隘的理性主义.卢梭是一个理性的浪漫主义者,他的理性试图超越知性,走向更高的理性,即有感情的知性(the feeling of Intellect). II. Literary Characteristics: Romanticism Romanticism _____ a term applied to literary and artistic movements of the late 18th and early 19th century. It can be seen as a rejection of the percepts of classicism in general and late 18th-century neoclassicism in particular. Romanticism It was also to some extent a reaction against the Enlightenment and against 18th-century rationalism in general. Inspired by the French Revolution, the romantics believed in the return to nature and in the innate goodness of humans. Romanticism Critics date English Romanticism from the publication of William Wordsworth and S. T. Coleridge’s Lyrical Ballads in 1798 to the death of Sir William Walter Scott and the passage of the first reform bill in the Parliament in 1832. III. Literary Characteristics A. The age of poetry: The age of Wordsworth B.The trio of so-called Lake Poets ____ Wordsworth Coleridge Southey Wordsworth and Coleridge B. The Development of the Novel 1.Women as novelists appeared in this age Mrs. Anne Radcliff Jane Austen 2. The greatest historical novelist: Walter Scott 3. Romantic prose: Charles Lamb C. Two Groups of Romantic Poets 1. Passive Romantic Poets: Romantic Poets of the First Generation 2. Active or Revolutionary Romantic Poets: Romantic Poets of the Second Generation Byron Shelley Keats The Features of Romantic Writing William Wordsworth 威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth,1



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