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模板来自于 * 第七章 八级英译汉试卷评析 简介 试卷评析 亟待加强的几个问题 制作者:段霁、庞玉佩、张耀月、李鸿飞 第一节 简介 测试要求: 能运用汉译英的理论和技巧,翻译我国报刊上的文章和一般文学作品。速度为每小时250--300个汉字。译文必须忠实原意,语言流通、流畅。 翻译英美报刊上的文章和文学原著(要求同上) 测试形式: section A:From Chinese to English (150) section B:From English to Chinese (150) 试卷评析——以TEM8(2000)为例 If people mean anything at all by the expressionuntimely death,they must blieve that some deaths run on a better schedule than others.Death in old age is rarely called untimely--a long life is thought to be a full one .But with the passing of a young person, one assumes that the best years lay ahead and the measure of that life was still to be taken. a.提起“英年早逝”,人们或有所指。人们定会相信有些人死亡的时刻更为适宜。寿终正寝极少称为“英年早逝”。长寿即意味着生命之完整。但英年早逝常令人感到逝者美好时光尚未到来,一生之评说尚未作出。 b.说起“早逝”,人们或有所指,他们定然想信有些死更合天意。寿终正寝不能称作未尽天年——长寿即意味着生命的圆满。但英年早逝则会引发感慨:美好年华未竟,评说尚待时日。 不及时的死亡 死亡之无常 死不瞑目 history denies this,of course.Among prominent summer deaths, one recalls those of Marily Monroe and James Dean,whose lives seemed equally brief and complete.Writers cannot bear the fact that poet John Keats died at 26,and only half playfully judge their own lives as failures when they pass that year.The idea that the life cut short is unfulfilled is illogical because lives are measured by the impressions they leave on the world and by their intensity and virtue 然而,历史却否认这一点,提起杰出的早逝者,人们定会忆起玛丽莲.梦露和詹姆士.迪恩。两人生命短暂却完美无缺。诗人约翰.济慈26岁与世长辞,作家们对此难以接受。而他们自己过了26岁时却只能半开玩笑地认为今生今世无所作为。生命短暂即未成果——这观念荒诞无理。生命的价值取决于它留给世界的印象、它的贡献及它的美德。 If people mean anything at all by the expression untimely death, they must blieve that some deaths run on a better schedule than others. 词义误译主要是考生没有从搭配、语法及文化角度判断词义。untimely:1.不合时宜的;2.过早的。 误译:如果有人通过“死得太早了”这种说法来意味什么的·话,那么,他一定认为一部分的死亡和另一些死亡相比,在时间上来得好。 Death in old age is rarely called untimely--a long life is thought to be a full one . 误:古时候的死亡 But with the passing of a young person, one assumes that the best years lay ahead and the measure of that life was still to be taken. 误:看到一个年轻人擦身而过 history denies this,of course.



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