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Model Test 8 Section A l. W: Hello, this is Mary Conners. May I speak to my husband please? M: He has just gone out with a customer to show him a new car. Shall I have him call back? Q: What type of work does Mr. Conners do? (C) He has just gone out with a customer to show him a new car.意思是Mr. Conners去给顾客看新车,由此可见他应该是个汽车销售员。 2. M: How did you like the movie last night? W: Well, considering the reviews it had received, we were expecting a much better one Q: H did the woman feel about the movie? (A) 从女士的回答中可以推断出她对电影的态度。We were expecting a much better one说明她们期待的电影要好得多,即实际的没有想像的好,因此她的态度应为失望。 3. W: Richd has offered to help in the project, why do you still keep it a secret? M: We suspect he has something up his sleeves. Q: What does the man think about Richard? (D) 本题的关键是要解短语have something up ones sleeves,意思是暗中已有打算,也就是说我们怀疑 Richard主动帮助我们的原因,故选D。 ’t like your secretary. She seems to be suspicious of everything. M: That’s true, but it is balanced by her competence. Q: Which is true about the secretary? (A) 本对话中but后面的内容是题眼,虽然这个秘书suspicious of everything但是她很有能力(balanced by her competence),故A为正确答案。 5. W: Could we drop by the lab for a minute? I have some experiments running that I need to check on before dinner. M: Sure, I have plenty of time. I’d be interested to see what you’re working on, anyway. Q: What will they do? (A) 这个对话比较复杂,含有使动关系和定语从句。I have some experiments running that I need to check on before dinner.我有几个实验正在进行,晚饭前需要检查一下。由此判断A应为正确答案。 6. M: you sure were on the phone for a long time. To whom were you talking? W: Oh, Sally. She always knows the latest news in town and she couldn’t wait to see me to talk it over. Q: What can we assume about Sally? (B) 在这个对话中,女士水Sally总是急于告诉她必威体育精装版的新闻,而且男士说过女士打电话打了好长时间。由此可见,B为符合题意的答案。 7. W: I’m terribly sorry, Bill, I didn’t finish the report on time. Trust me, next time I will get it done as soon as possible. M: Sorry, Helen. I’m afraid there is no next time. Q: What does the man mean? (A) 这个对话中,女士向男士道歉,因为她没能及时完成报告,并且保证下一次会


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