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2007 17 5 277 ?ER???K?????????????????3 ???????????????? 1231 11 21 31 ( , 200032) ? ? ??: ( ER K) ?? ??: , EL ISA Western ( ER K1/ 2) 1 (A P21) ER K ( P2ER K) P2ER K , , TN F2 , ??? ; ; 1/ 2 ; 21 KC , ?? ??: A P21 A P21 L PS ( L PS ?? : ( Kupffer cell , KC) ); KC 100 g/ L , 2 P2ER K , TN F2 ER K 1/ 2 ; / ;/ ; ; Effect of Qinggan Huoxue recipe and its separated recipe on ERK signaling pathway in Kupffer cell mediated by L PS W A N G M i ao , L O N G A i2hua , L I U Chen g2hai , et al1 L on g hua Hos pit al , S han g hai U ni versit y of T ra ditional Chi nese Medici me ( S han ghai , 200032) Chi na Abstract Objective : To investigate t he effect of Qinggan Huo xue recipe and it s separated recipe on ER K signaling pat hway in Kupffer cells mediated by L PS. Methods : Kupffer cells were isolated f ro m t he livers of male Wistar rat s by in sit u perf usion wit h collagenase and Nyco ndenz density2gradient cent rif ugatio n , and were stimulated wit h L PS in differ2 ent do ses for different time to o bserve t he exp ressio n of TN F2 ; The drug serum of Qinggan Huo xue recipe and it s separated recipe were p repared and were added to t he medium. The levels of exp ression of TN F2 were evaluated by EL ISA . Western blot analysis were performed to detect p rotein exp ression of ER K1/ 2 and A P21. Results : After L PS was added to t he medium , t he p rotein exp ressio n of TN F2 increased. A significant effect was observed 2 hours after L PS stimulatio n , and reached it s peak 6 hours later wit h t he do se of 1mg/ L showing t he mo st evident effect . Qinggan recipe co uld down2regulate t he exp ressio n of membrane inhibit t he p ho sp horylatio n of ER K to supp ress t he exp ression of nuclear factor A P21. Huoxue recipe could decrease t he levels of p ho sp horylated ER K , lower t he exp ressio n of TN F2 . In a similar manner , Qinggan Huo xue recipe co uld regulat result in reduced p ho sp horylation of ER K and weaken exp res2 sio n of A P21. Conclusion :


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