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·1662 · doi 10.3969/j.issn. 1673-4254.2015.11.29 J South Med Univ, 2015, 35(11): 1662-1664 综 述 精准医学在外科领域的应用进展精准医学在外科领域的应用进展 1 1 2 邓爱文 ,熊日波 ,曾参军 1 2 南方医科大学第三附属医院//广东省骨科研究院 康复治疗部,创伤骨科,广东 广州 510630 摘要:精准医学是以个体化医疗为基础,实现对疾病和患者个性化、精准化治疗。3D 打印技术以及基因组测序技术是实现个性 化、精准化治疗的有效手段。3D 打印技术在外科的应用有以下方面:优化手术方案,实现精准化、个性化手术;个性化导航模板 的制作;个性化、定制化假体制作;个性化的人体器官、组织设计。随着组织工程技术、新材料技术以及基因组测序技术的不断 发展以及相关政策、法规的不断完善,精准医学在外科领域的发展将迈上一个更高的层面。本文就精准医学在外科领域的应用 作简要综述。 关键词:精准医学;外科;3D 打印;基因组测序 Application of precision medicine in the field of surgery 1 1 2 DENG Aiwen , XIONG Ribo , ZENG Canjun 1Department of Rehabilitation, 2Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, The Third Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University (Academy of Orthopaedics, Guangdong Province), Guangzhou 510630, China Abstract: Precision medicine, based on personalized medicine, is to provide personalized and precise treatment. The emergence of 3D printing technique as well as genome sequencing provides an effective way to realize precise and personalized treatment. The application of 3D printing technique in the field of surgery is listed as following: optimize operation plan to achieve precise and personalized surgery; design personalized navigation template; personalized prosthesis production; design of personalized tissue and organ. With the development of tissue engineering, new material technology and genome sequencing and the improvement in related polices and regulations, precision medicine will step on a higher level in the field of surgery. This review introduces the application of precision medicine in the field of surgery. Key words: precision medicine; surgery; 3D printing; genome sequencing 精准医学,是以个体化医疗为基础,随着基因组 我们获得个体化信息以此使我们自己和家人更加健 测序技术以及生物信息与大数据科学的交叉应用而


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