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The Role of the Chief Information Officer Presentation by Eliot Lee and Mark Guthrie November 12, 2005 What Do These People Have in Common? Presentation Overview Chief Information Officer profile - Demographics - Salary data - Employment information - Topic relevance In-depth case studies of 3 CIOs Best practices: Role of the CIO Role of the CIO Is Evolving Quotable quote: “It is no longer useful or meaningful to talk about the ‘role of the CIO.’ ” – Barb Gomolski, senior research director, Gartner, Nov. 27, 2000 1 Rationale No single “one-size-fits-all” position description CIOs wear many hats; work in various roles Different types of CIOs CIOs are driven by background and interests Industry and organizational differences affect role Definition: Chief Information Officer Job title is commonly given to the senior executive in charge of information technology and computer systems that support an organization’s business goals. As IT has become increasingly important, the CIO is typically viewed as a key strategist within the organization. In many companies, the CIO reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). In some companies, the CIO sits on the Executive Board. Usually, a CIO proposes IT strategies to achieve business goals and works within an established budget. - Definitions 2 CIO Demographics 87% are male 70% moved up through the IT ranks 5 years, 9 months is average time as CIO 4 years, 6 months is average time in current job 40% report to CEO 85% are responsible for enterprise-wide IT 76% do not plan to outsource outside of U.S. - Source: CIO Magazine 3 CIO Regional Salary Comparison CIO in the Government In 1996, President Clinton signed what has become known as the Clinger-Cohen Act. This act required major Federal Agencies to establish the position of CIO. - CSA High Technology Research Database with Aerospace 2001 5 CIO Employment Turnover 5 Years: Average tenure of a CIO in a single position – ex


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