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Google 101: Stop Searching and Start FINDING a presentation by Patrick Douglas Crispen Our goals today ... Discover the biggest mistakes made by most Internet users: Typing URLs in the wrong box. Using the wrong tool at the wrong time. Talk about the differences between directories and search engines (and when to use each.) Learn some basic Google searching techniques. DO ALL OF THIS IN ENGLISH! The Biggest Mistake Typing URLs in the wrong box Top 15 search terms – 12/05/03 Sex Paris Hilton Video / Paris Hilton Porn / free porn Google eBay Yahoo / Jokes Health [expletive deleted] Games Dictionary Weather Boobs Mapquest [expletive deleted] What most people notice Sex Paris Hilton Video / Paris Hilton Porn / free porn Google eBay Yahoo / Jokes Health [expletive deleted] Games Dictionary Weather Boobs Mapquest [expletive deleted] What *I* Notice Sex Paris Hilton Video / Paris Hilton Porn / free porn Google eBay Yahoo / Jokes Health [expletive deleted] Games Dictionary Weather Boobs Mapquest [expletive deleted] You can see a “live,” unedited list of today’s top MetaCrawler and Dogpile search terms at More people are typing addresses as search terms than even before. The Second Biggest Mistake Using the wrong tool at the wrong time Three questions Where would you find the telephone number or address of the Bama Six theatre? Where you would find the definition of the word “pestilence?” Where would you find the name of the war that the Treaty of Westphalia ended? What would happen if you tried to look up the definition of the word “pestilence” in the telephone book? YAHOO ISN’T A SEARCH ENGINE! ... it is a directory. Directories Usually human-compiled guides to the web, where sites are organized by category Major directories: MSN Yahoo Netscape ODP What directories are good for “What is the Web page address for some company, organization, or entity?” (or “who makes product X?”) “Where can I find a list of Web pages that focus on a particular, ‘universal’ top


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