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CIS275 An Introduction to Computer Networking Objectives Identify elements of a network Describe several specific uses of a network Distinguish between client/server and peer-to-peer networks Networks and Standalone Computers Network Group of computers and other devices connected by some type of transmission media Networks enable users to share devices and data, collectively called a network’s resources Standalone computer Uses programs and data only from its local disks and is not connected to a network Local and Remote Computers Local computer Computer on which user is working Remote computer Computer that user controls or works on via network connection Peer-to-Peer Network Computers communicate on single segment of cable and share each other’s data and devices Simple example of a local area network (LAN) Local Area Network (LAN) Network of computers and other devices confined to relatively small space LANs involving many computers are usually server-based On a server-based network, special computers (known as servers) process data for and facilitate communication between other computers on the network (known as clients) Networking Basics Workstation Computer that typically runs a desktop operating system and connects to a network Client/server architecture Networking model in which clients use central server to share applications, devices, and data Networking Basics Client/server network Network based on client/server architecture Network operating system Special software designed to manage data and other resources on a server for a number of clients Networking Basics Advantages of Server-Based over Peer-to-Peer Networks User login accounts and passwords can be assigned in one place Access to multiple shared resources can be centrally granted Servers are optimized to handle heavy processing loads and dedicated to handling requests from clients Servers can connect more than a handful of computers MANs and WANs Metropolitan area network (MAN) Network connecting cl


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