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Chemical Analysis E. Bottari, Chemistry Department, “La Sapienza” University of Rome Analytical chemistry - Methods Qualitative analysis Quantitative analysis Traditional analysis Instrumental methods of analysis Suitable reactions for analysis Qualitative analysis Recognition of chemical species by means of colour, reaction producing a colour, reaction producing a precipitate, reaction involving a change of a physical parameter. Colored ions are: Cu2+ (blue), Cr3+ (green), CrO4=(yellow), Cr2O7= (orange), MnO4-(viole), MnO4=(green), Ni2+(green), Co2+(pink, or blu), Mn2+(pink), and generally ions of transition metals. Precipitates (slight soluble compounds): sulphurs of eavy metals (like: As, Sb, Hg, Cu, Pb, Cd, Sn, Bi, Zn, Ni, Co, Mn), BaSO4, Hg2Cl2, AgCl, PbCl2, Ag2CrO4, many hydroxides of eavy metals. Traditional - Quantitative analysis Volumetric analysis A + B = C. A solution of B, at known concentration is added to a known volume of A, until the number of equivalent of B is equal to those of A. The added volume of B is measured and the concentration of A can be calculated. Gravimetric analysis A + B = C. An excess of B, at unknown concentration, is added to A so that A is completely transformed in C, that can be weighed. Quantitative analysis – Volumetric 1 Titration (traditional) To perform a volumetric analysis (titration) is necessary to have a solution at known concentration a glass vessel, a burette (calibrated tube able to measure volume, equipped with a tap) and an indicator (chemical species able to change colour when change the composition of the solution. A titration is a chemical operation which allows to obtain the unknown concentration of a reagent, A, by adding the reagent B and by stopping the addition when the equivalent number of A and B are exactly equal. The point corresponding to meq* A = meq B is called equivalent point or point of equivalence. *meq = milli equivalents = VACA = VB CB Quantitative analysis – Volumetric 2 Reaction


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