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Wood Microscopy 1. Agarwal, S. P. and Laxmi, Chauhan. On the structure and identification of Eucalyptus species. Indian Forester. 1988; 114(3):145-151. 2. Alden, H. A. Hardwoods of North America. Madison, WI: USDA Forest Service, FPL-GTR-83; 1995. 3. . Scientific limits of microscopic wood analysis of objects dArt. 26th AIC Annual Meeting, Poster Session; June 1-7; Arlington, VA. 1998. 4. . Separation of true mahogany (Swietenia spp. Jacq.), based on specific gravity. (Research in Progress). 1999. 5. . Softwoods of North America. Madison, WI: USDA Forest Service, FPL-GTR-102; 1997. 6. . Wood you believe: Horseflesh mahogany in early american furniture. Winterthur Guidelines. 1989; 4(2):7-8. 7. Alden, H. A. and Wiedenhoeft, A. C. Qualified determination of provenance of wood of the firs (Abies spp. Mill.) using microscopic features of rays: an aid to conservators, curators and art historians. 26th AIC Annual Meeting, Poster Session; June 1-7; Arlington, VA. 1998. 8. Alfonso, V. A. and Richter, H. G. Wood and bark anatomy of Buchenavia Eichl. (Combretaceae). IAWA Bull. N.s. 1991; 12(2):123-141. 9. America, W. M. and Meniado, J. A. Anatomy and differentiation of the woods of Pahudia and Intsia (Leguminosae). Forpride Digest. 1975; 4. 10. . Tuai, Lamog, and Toog: their identification and uses. Philippines: FORPRIDECOM Technical Note, No. 157; 1975. 11. Amobi, C. C. Periodicity of wood formation in some trees of Southern Guinea savanna in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Forestry. 1973; 3(2). 12. . Periodicity of wood formation in twigs of some tropical trees in Nigeria. Annals of Botany. 1974; 38(157). 13. Anon. [The foresters handbook.] Memento du forestier. [The agronomists handbo


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