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Pension files of John Crockett Kimbler, a Private of the 3rd Kentucky Infantry, Company G., and of Captain Daniel P. Walling’s Light Battery, Mississippi Marine Brigade which was later integrated into the 1st Missouri Light Artillery, Battery E, original pension claim # 616,577, and. His widow, Charolotta Powell-Kimbler, filed pension application # 925,978. John Crockett Kimbler was the son of William “Billy” Kimbler and Nancy Olinger. The original pension files of John Crockett Kimbler consist of about 80 pages of documents. Spelling has not been corrected unless necessary; some punctuation has been added for clarity. All major documents have been included. Transcribed by: Brett Jordan Conover State of Kentucky County of Adair On this the 21st day of September 1887 personally appeared before me, M.H. Marcum, Clerk of the County Court of Adair County, a court of Record within and for the State and County aforesaid, John C. Kimbler who was a Private Soldier in Co. G, 3rd Regiment of Kentucky Volunteer Infantry in the War of 1861 – 65. The affiant States that he is an applicant for Invalid Pension No 616577. That Sometime in the year 1863, About February or March of that year, was Attacked with disease of the Kidneys and Back, but was not in the Hospital that was in St. Louis, Missouri. A short time after, the Applicant had been transferred to the Marine or Gun Boat Service about May. Was taken with Smallpox and was Sent to the Hospital at Memphis, Tennessee and was kept there untill September or October 1863, and while there, was taken with a Tingling Sensation or numbness which caused a partial loss of the power to grasp or hold any thing in his hands, and a numbness in his thighs and legs which has disabled him at least one half of his time for ordinary labor. John C. Kimbler Witness N.M. Tutt James Shaw Subscribed and Sworn to before me by the above Named John C. Kimbler whom is well known to me to be entitled to credit on oath, and that I m


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