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矿物加工实践论文 低品位难选赤铁矿选矿方法分析 Analysis of hematite beneficiation method of low grade refractory 学 院: 资源与环境工程学院 班 级: 矿物1201 姓 名: 高世民 学 号: 12111005023 指导老师: 于福顺 二0一六年 一月 目录 低品位难选赤铁矿选矿方法分析 3 引言 4 正文 4 1. 阶段磨选在赤铁矿选矿中的应用 4 2. 粗细分选的应用 6 3. 超细粉碎的发展趋势 7 4. SLon立环脉动高梯度磁选机与SLon离心选矿机组合使用的优势 7 5. 赤铁矿的反浮选 8 结论 8 参考文献 9 低品位难选赤铁矿选矿方法分析 摘 要: 我国赤铁矿分布广泛,储量大,分选难度大,采用阶段磨选工艺能有的及时分离出一部分解离脉石矿物作为最终尾矿,减少下一阶段磨矿的进矿量,和后续选矿作业的矿量,降低磨矿能量消耗,能并提高入磨的品位,提高入选物料细度,提高最终精矿质量。粗细分选是处理混合型铁矿石一种经济高效的技术,这种分选方法在赤铁矿的分选中也经常用到。细粒高梯度磁选工艺能最大限度的提高赤铁矿的回收率,提高资源的利用率。反浮选工艺中浮选药剂的发展,工艺的进步,使得赤铁矿的浮选得到了很大的改善,并在实践中取得不错的分选效果。 赤铁矿崁布粒度细,需要磨矿成本大,本着“多碎少磨”的基本原则,超细粉碎—强磁预选工艺成为发展趋势,能有效降低磨矿成本。 关键词: 赤铁矿 阶段磨选 粗细分选 超细粉碎 ABSTRACT: Hematite in China are widely distributed, large reserves, difficult separation, using the stage grinding and separation technology can some timely isolated a decomposition from the gangue minerals as final tailings, reduce the next stage grinding of ore, and subsequent flotation of the ore, reduce grinding energy consumption, and can improve the mill feed grade, improve the selected material fineness, improve the quality of the final concentrate. Separation of coarse and fine is an economical and efficient technology for the treatment of mixed type iron ore, which is often used in the separation of hematite. Fine grained high gradient magnetic separation technology can increase the recovery rate of hematite, and improve the utilization of resources. In the reverse flotation process, the development of flotation reagents, the progress of technology, makes the hematite flotation has been greatly improved, and achieved good results in practice. Hematite Kan of fine particle size distribution, need grinding ore costs, in line with the principle of more crushing and less grinding, ultrafine grinding, high intensity magnetic preselection process become development trend, can effectively reduce the cost of grinding. Keywords: Hematite Stage mineral proce


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