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毛乌素沙地砒砂岩与沙快速复配成土核心技术研究 韩霁昌 刘彦随2 罗林涛1 (1.陕西省地产开发服务总公司,国土资源部退化及未利用土地整治工程重点实验室,陕西 西安 710075;2.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京 100101) 摘要:本文以毛乌素沙地综合开发利用为目标,将制约该区域的“两害”首次发现了砒砂岩与沙两种物质结构在成土中的互补性,了适宜不同农作物生长需求的砒砂岩与沙组合配方;提出了在生态脆弱区水土耦合高效利用模式;形成了系统完整的砒砂岩与沙成土的技术体系;创新性实施了标准化、规模化的成土造地工程,成功实现了沙地的资源化利用,形成了毛乌素沙地节水高效的高标准农田建设与现代化经营为一体的土地综合整治新模式。砒砂岩沙成土Research on remixed soil with soft rock and sand in Maowusu sand land HAN Ji-chang1 LIU Yan-sui2 LUO Lin-tao1 ShaanXi Province Estate Development Service Corporation, Key Laboratory of Degraded and Unused Land Consolidation Engineering, the Ministry of Land and Resources of China, Xian 710075, China; 2.Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China) Abstract: This paper aims at comprehensive development and utilization of Maowusu sand land, “two calamities” including soft rock and sand which restricted the local development were studied for utilization as resources to make the desert into fertile farmland. By this study, the complementarity in property of material structure between soft rock and sand was first found; the different combination ratios by soft rock to sand were researched to satisfy the growth need of different crops; the efficient utilization mode of water and soil coupling was proposed; the technical system of remixed soil with soft rock and sand was obtained; standardized and sweeping land consolidation projects were operated innovatively, resourceful utilization of sand land was realized successfully, and the new mode of comprehensive land consolidation integrated with construction of water-saving efficient high standard farmland and modern operation were obtained in Maowusu sand land. Key words: Maowusu; Soft rock and sand; Remixed soil 0 前言 耕地是人类赖以生存的基础,保持农业可持续发展必须确保耕地的数量和质量毛乌素沙地,砒砂岩和沙广泛分布,砒砂岩无水坚硬如石、遇水则松软如泥,沙子结构松散、漏水漏肥,土地沙漠化和砒砂岩的水土流失并称“两害”。关中地区可开发利用的耕地后备资源日益减少陕南土地开发利用难度大,增加耕地资源的焦点转向了具有丰富光热资源的陕北地区。陕北地区毛乌素沙地面积广,具有巨大的挖掘潜力,但其沙化严重,难以利用。根据2009年第二次土地全面调查数据汇总结果显示,榆林市未利用地占全省未利用地总面积的45.60%,其


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