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HSE DOCUMENT 健康、安全和环保文件 EXCAVATION PERMIT PROCEDURE 挖掘许可程序 CONTENT 目录 PURPOSE 目的 SCOPE 范围 OPERATING PROCEDURE – GENERAL 操作程序 – 总则 Operating Procedure – Permit Compilation - Explanatory Notes 操作程序-许可证的编制 - 说明 ATTACHMENT 附件 Attachment A – Excavation Permit 附件 A 挖掘许可证 PURPOSE 目的 The purpose of this Excavation Permit is to aid in the prevention of accidents or incidents which could result in personal injury, damage to property or disruption to the work schedule. 本挖掘许可程序的目的是帮助防止可能导致人员伤害,财产损失或工程进度中断的事故或事件的发生。 SCOPE 范围 This procedure will only apply during the construction stage of the Project. A more stringent permit procedure may be implemented, if and when deemed necessary by Project management. 本程序仅适用于项目施工阶段。若项目管理层认为有必要,则可实施更严格的许可程序。 An Excavation Permit is required for all areas of the project as a whole. 项目的各个区域总体上都需要挖掘许可证。 Any soil disturbance anywhere on the site that will be 0.5 meter or more in depth will require an excavation permit 在现场任何地方的挖掘作业,当深度在0.5米或以上时都需要一个挖掘许可证。 The excavation permit does not allow for work inside confined spaces such as drains manholes etc. 本挖掘许可证不允许用于密闭空间内作业,如关闭人孔等。 3. Operating Procedure – General 操作程序-总则 a. Where the scope of work requires a permit, as detailed in 2 above, this permit procedure must be strictly complied with. 当工作范围需要许可证时,根据上文第2条的说明,必须严格遵循本许可程序的规定。 b. All personnel involved in excavations are to be made aware of the permit requirements and the “Safe Working Practices” for excavations prior to the work commencing. 开挖前,参与开挖工作的所有人员都必须了解许可证上列出的各种要求,以及有关开挖“安全工作条例”的具体内容。 c. The permit must be submitted to Project Construction Manager for approval at least 24 hours prior to the required start time / date. 许可证必须在所要求的开始时间/日期之前至少24小时递交给项目施工经理批准。 d. A signed / authorized copy of the permit is to be passed to the site HSE Representative and verbal notification given before the excavation commences. 经签字


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