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学案1 Book1 Unit5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero Warming Up and Reading 编写人:徐恒侠 审核人:赵 军 班级___________ 姓名__________ 学习目标:读懂文章大意能运用技巧查找文章细节,并回答问 自主学习 一、根据下列单词的汉语意思写出英语单词。 1. n. 质量;品质;性质→ n.数量 2. adj. 慷慨的;大方的→ adv. 3. vt. (与to连用)献身;专心于→ adj.忠实的;深爱的→ n.4. vt. 建立;建设 5. adj. 和平的;平静的;安宁的→ n. 6. n. 律师→law n.法律;法学 7. n. 指导;领导→ vt. vi. 8. adj.怀有希望的;有希望的→ n.→ adv. 9. adj平等的,相等的 10. n青年,青年时期查出下列短语的汉语意思并写在横线上。 1. lose heart 2.in trouble 3. worry about 4.out of work 5. Youth League 6.as a matter of fact 7. blow up 8.put. . . in prison 合作探究 Finish the following exercises according to the reading passage of this unit. Skimming 1. The text tells us about life and what he did with Nelson Mandela to fight for people. 2. Divide the whole passage into two parts 1) Para( ) Elias’s life before he met Mr. Mandela 2) Para( ) Elias’s life after he met Mr. Mandela and what he did for him. Scanning(完成课本35页Comprehending Exercise1) Careful reading(完成优化设计100页While-reading 第四题的五道选择题) 当堂检测 ( Fill in the blanks with proper words) Nelson?Mandela?was?the?first?black?president?of?South?Africa.?He all?his?life?to making?black?and?white?people .?In?1952,?he a?law?office?to?offer ?to?the?poor black?people?on?their? problems.?Elias?was?helped? by? him?when?he was? and?then?he?became?more? about?his?future.? Later?when?Mandela?organized?the?ANC? ?he?joined?it?as?soon?as?possible?and? fought? together?for?the?equal?rights.?They?first?broke?the?law?in?a? way.?Only? when?that?was?not?allowed decide?to?answer?vi


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