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2011届高三英语二轮复习翻译专训 谓语动词 考查内容: 主谓一致、时态、语态 主谓一致考点: 单复数一致 时态为一般现在/现在进行/现在完成,谓语第三人称单数 1)主语为可数n.的单数,或不可数n. 2)动名词作主语 3)主语从句作主语 I. 复习(review) 1. 丰富的网络资讯吸引老老少少上网冲浪。(age, attract) Rich information on the Internet attracts people of all ages to surfing it. 2. 在高考期间,每位高三家长都为孩子的表现而焦虑。(anxious) During the College Entrance Examination, every parent of the Senior 3 students is anxious about their child’s performance. 3. 做幼儿园老师需要极大的耐心。(call) Working as a teacher in the kindergarten calls for a lot of patience. 4. 爱孩子并不意味着满足他的一切要求。 (mean) Loving a child doesn’t mean satisfying /meeting all his demands. 5. 这场火灾到底是怎么引起的仍然不知道。(cause) What is the cause of the fire remains unknown. II.巩固(consolidation) 1. 他们的分歧在于他 们缺少互相沟通。(lie) The difference between them lies in their lack of communication. 2. 爱孩子,并不是要代替他做任何的事情。( mean) Loving a child doesn’t mean doing / that you should do anything for him. 3. 保持生态平衡是减少自然灾害的最有效手段之一。(balance) Keeping the balance of nature is one of the most effective ways to reduce natural disasters. 4. 他公司最需要的不是钱而是人才。(talent) What his company needs most is not money but talented people/talent. 5. 所谓的代沟是指两代人对事物不同的看法。(refer to) The so-called generation gap refers to the different points of view which the two generations have on something. III. 提高(production) 6. 不是每种洗发水都适合你的头发。( suit) Not every kind of shampoo suits your hair. 7. 道德的缺失成了社会的一个大问题。(lack) The lack of morality becomes a big / great problem of society. 8. 酒后驾车就意味着谋杀,每个驾驶员要明白这一点。( realize) Driving after drinking means murder, which every driver should realize. 9. 充分利用废物是节省自然资源的一个重要途径。( way) Making full use of waste is an important way of saving natural resources. 10. 不能想像人的一生总是一帆风顺的。我们能做的就是抱最好的希望,作最坏的打算。(smooth) We can’t imagine our life is always smooth. What we can do is to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. 谓语动词 考查内容: 主谓一致、时态、语态 时态考点: 一般现在:经常发生、事实或真理的阐述 现在进行:正在做的动作及发展趋势 一般过去:明确过去时间状语(ago, last year, yesterday)等、语意上已发生 现在完成:明确完成时间状语(already/yet, in the last/past years, so far/up till now)等、语意


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