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Did you have a good journey? 你一路上顺利吗? * the journey from Edinburgh to London 由爱丁堡到伦敦的路程 * Its a days journey by car. 乘汽车得用一天的时间. How long is your journey to work? 你上班要走多长的路? Only about 15 minutes. 也就走15分钟左右. The door clicked shut. 门咔哒一声关上了。 He clicked his fingers at the waiter. 他冲服务员打了个响指。 Polly clicked her tongue in annoyance. 用舌头发出啧啧声。 Click the enter button to start. 点回车键开始。 I clicked on the link to the next page of the website. 我单击链接好翻到网站的下一页。 Double-click on the icon please. 请双击图标。 Which team won? 哪个队赢了? * She was determined to win (the race). 她决心要赢(这项径赛). * She won first prize. 她获得了头奖. * They are trying to win support for them.他们竭力争取他们的支持。 Win or lose, it should be a very good match. 姑不论胜负, 这场比赛想必十分精彩. The door clicked shut. 门咔哒一声关上了。 He clicked his fingers at the waiter. 他冲服务员打了个响指。 Polly clicked her tongue in annoyance. 用舌头发出啧啧声。 Click the enter button to start. 点回车键开始。 I clicked on the link to the next page of the website. 我单击链接好翻到网站的下一页。 Double-click on the icon please. 请双击图标。 fill in the blanks. 填空 * Smoke filled the room. 房间里烟雾弥漫. * fill a bucket full of water 装满一桶水 * Please fill this glass for me/fill me this glass. 请把这个杯子给我斟满. Please fill the tank with oil. 把油罐装满油 He refilled her glass. Would you like a refill? 您还要再添一杯吗? Refill n. 替换笔芯 [ei] [ai] [?i] [i?] [ε?] [u?] [?u] [au] 只要你把前面的几个单元音练好了,这几个双元音练起来会很容易,因为它们都是由两个单元音组成的。 发[ai]时,可先发[a]音,然后再过渡到[i]音。 发[ei]时,可先发[e]音,然后再过渡到[i]音。 发[au]时,可先发[a]音,然后再过渡到[u]音。 发[?u]时,可先发[?]音,然后再过渡到[u]音。 发[i?]时,可先发[i]音,然后再过渡到[?]音。 发[ε?]时,可先发[e]音,然后再过渡到[?]音。 发[u?]时,可先发[u]音,然后再过渡到[?]音。 由于这一组都是双元音,所以音较长。 /e?/ /a?/ /??/ /??/ /e?/ /??/ /??/ /a?/ [b??] [ple?] [sn?? ] [a?tsa?d ] The boys are playing with snow outside the houses. [ha?s] [ ???] [he?] Im sure she has long hair. [ha?] [j??] How are you doing these years? [we?] [h??m] Where is your home? 西瓜round,长在ground,被我found 一只mouse,穿件blou


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